I read “The Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes after a client recommended it. Have you read it?
For instance, I learnt that only 10% of people will proactively learn and enjoy doing so? 90% will only do so when they have to as part of their job. That is what sorts the best from the rest.
A main theme throughout the book is the need for “Pig headed determination” to bring about change. And the same I see with HighLevel clients – the ones with pig-headed determination to “work their HighLevel system” have the greatest success.
“The Dream 100 Concept” is one of the major strategies outlined first by Chet Homes in The Ultimate Sales Machine. A super-powerful strategy. I was just watching Youtube video from Russell Brunson on how he uses the Top 100 strategy, well worth a watch https://youtu.be/DqeTvepQvgg?si=ze4otMxQyrlzKi5Chttps://youtu.be/nol9a1LIbcY
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It is the best business book I have read in ages and certainly resonates with “HighLevel thinking”.
I would definitely recommend it to HighLevel users as this could transform your sales process. Here is an article I wrote about how to use HighLevel to implement the Dream 100 strategy.
Here is the Amazon link (Note I do not earn commission) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Sales-Machin…/…/1591841607
If you are a HighLevel user then I can show you how to build a Dream 100 Workflows to enable you to easily co-ordinate an integrated follow-up campaign containing not only emails but direct mail, telephone, text and social media. To learn more simply schedule a Discovery call.

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