‘Work the System’ by Sam Carpenter

work the system sam carpenterThis book I found really thought-provoking and actionable. With Keap / Infusionsoft we systemise the marketing activity, and even subsequent internal processes can be automated.

But what this book highlighted to me is that even in a business where Keap / Infusionsoft is brilliantly executed if it is surrounded by disorganised systems then the business will never fully achieve its potential. For instance – we organise the marketing system brilliantly, but invoicing, collections and accounting is disorganised. The business will never perform optimally. Often I see that the best system for small businesses to systemise invoicing is using a “system” called Xero. Every business is surrounded by systems that can be implemented and then continually refined.

In Work The System Sam uses his own experience with his telecom company as a great case study. How he went from working 80 hours a week, looming bankruptcy and the accompanying stress to just working a few hours a week on the business and having a transformed business. Just by rigorously implementing and continually system improvement.

Definitely worth a read. Here is the link (not an affilaite link)

Work the System by Sam Carpenter

And here is an excellent interview with Sam Carpenter where he talks about all the separate systems that surround us to make up our business and how to “tweak” them to get the resutls you want.




Maria Ward – Property Surveying

Julian has worked with us for over 4 years now. I can not recommend him highly enough.…

Maria Ward - Property Health Check

