Why expensive “Guru” Cookie-Cutter Strategies and Templates Don’t Work for Your Business

Why expensive “Guru” Cookie-Cutter Strategies and Templates Don’t Work for Your BusinessYou’ve seen them: the gurus in your industry flashing their fancy cars, designer watches, and million-dollar homes. They’ve got the “winning system” and are more than happy to sell you the so-called “secrets” behind their success.

But here’s the harsh reality: these cookie-cutter solutions rarely, if ever, work.

Take it from my client, John (name changed, but the story is 100% real).

John came to me after years of frustration. He was exhausted. He’d followed every step the gurus laid out—buying courses, bought that latest software tools, buying Keap campaign templates, copying HighLevel snapshots. You name it, John had tried it.

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Every guru promised the same thing: “Just follow this blueprint, and you’ll be making six figures in no time.”
(As an aside – as soon as a potential JV partner, affiliate etc says “we will make a fortune together then run a mile – they will never deliver)

So John did. He followed every script, every formula. No shortcuts.

And guess what happened?

Nothing. Each time, it flopped. Over and over again.

John wasn’t just disappointed—he was on the verge of giving up. His business wasn’t just stagnant; it was going backward. He was wasting time and burning through money, trying to force-fit his business into someone else’s mould.

Here’s the thing: These “winning systems” may have worked for the gurus, but they’re not built for your business, your audience, or your goals. (Often the winning system is the system that sold you on buying the winning system – and that is now what you sell.)

Every business is different, and what works for one person often fails for another. Yet, that’s exactly what John had been doing—forcing his unique business into a generic template. And it was costing him more than just money—it was draining his energy, his time, and his sanity.

When John came to me, we took a step back. We stopped trying to squeeze his business into a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we created a personalized plan, tailored to his strengths, his audience, and his vision.

Within just a few months, John saw results that completely turned things around. He went from feeling like he was drowning to generating more income in a week than he had in months.

That’s what happens when you ditch the cookie-cutter formulas.

I’ve spent the last 20 years learning and studying the stratergies and tactics the “gurus” preach—and yes, there’s value in understanding them. But the difference is, I don’t just copy and paste. I apply the right mix of strategies that work for your specific business.

If you’re tired of following cookie-cutter formulas that don’t work, I’m here to help. I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions—I believe in your solution.

Let’s sit down, look at where you are, and create a plan that actually works for you.

If you’re ready to stop wasting time on ineffective tactics, I’d love to chat. Let’s schedule a Discovery call and find the right path forward for your business. You can book a Discover Call here.

Jordan Conlin – Exhibition Organiser

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Jordan Conlin - SHOUT Network

