Why entrapreneurs and start ups love Keap / Infusionsoft to conduct automated online marketing

Since 2009 I have been utilising Keap / Infusionsoft on behalf of clients for the automation of online marketing.

Often an entrepreneur will have an idea for a business and want to get started quickly. Test the business model and see if it could become a profitable business. If the concept does not work, then move swiftly on till they find a winner.

In order to do this entrepreneurs do not want to get bogged down in developing bespoke IT systems – systems that can take many months and a heap of cash.

As I have seen with my small business and start up clients there is a top specification system that is both quick and cost effective to implement – Keap / Infusionsoft.

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For example for one client who had no online presence, using Keap / Infusionsoft I took him from zero online revenue to £500K in less than 6 months. Keap / Infusionsoft opened the door to first capturing leads from advertising and affiliate sources, nurturing prospects with automated email marketing campaigns, taking orders with single page order forms or online stores, delivering product – digital and physical, customer service, upselling and then getting referrals from happy customers.
Keap / Infusionsoft opens the door to sophisticated and automated online marketing campaigns for start up and small business.


Interested, why not give me a call and we can explore if Keap / Infusionsoft would be suitable for your next venture.





tel UK  0161 487 1506





Charles Gregory – Photography

If you need someone to help you sort Keap out good and proper get in touch…

Charles Gregory - Arts Photography

