What is an Indoctrination marketing campaign?

indoctrination marketing campaignAn Indoctrination marketing campaign could also be called a Welcome campaign, however, I think that calling it an Indoctrination campaign forces you to think about this campaign much more strategically. If you think of a Welcome email the typical gist of your copy will be something along the lines of “Thanks for subscribing to our list we look forward to keeping in touch with news and offers” – you know the sort of thing.

People will be joining your email list from a number of sources – may be they are a new customer OR responded to a Facebook ad OR did a Google search and found your landing page OR they filled in the contact us form on your website OR you met them through personal networking.

A carefully crafted indoctrination campaign that all new contacts go through (only ever once, be sure your email sending platform can accommodate this) can help move customers down the path of their customer journey. When you add an indoctrination campaign, you see a positive effect on the open and click-through rates of the emails you send to these subscribers in the future because they know, like, and trust you better. And people buy from people they know, like and trust.

Indoctrination campaigns generally run for the first week that a new subscriber joins your list and with a series from one to three emails to introduce customers to the brand on a deeper level. And you may even take it one step further if your marketing automation system can accommodate text and even direct mail.  These campaigns help you put your best foot forward with new subscribers, introducing them to who you are and what you stand for.

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Infusionsoft Certified Partner - Julian Mills

Your indoctrination campaign should do the following things:

  • Welcome and introduce new subscribers to your brand/ personality. It does not blatantly make offers or sell your product or service
  • Restate the benefits of being a subscriber and provide value.
  • Tell subscribers what to expect.
  • Tell subscribers what to do next.
  • It drives engagement and so helps deliverability at the individual contact and entire list levels. Generate link clicks (eg to blog posts, Youtube etc etc) and ask for replies (check out this idea from Neil Patel)

If you are  Keap / Infusionsoft user then I have a free Keap / Infusionsoft campaign template I have created and this makes it super easy to set up an Indoctrination campaign for your business. If you would like a copy please schedule a free Discovery Call.

indoctrination campaign marketing

Dr. Prav Solanki – Healthcare Entrepreneur

I've worked with Julian for +5years now and he’s my go to guy…

Dr. Prav Solanki - The Fresh UK


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