Useful webform tips for Keap / Infusionsoft users

Here are some useful resources for Keap / Infusionsoft users when they are looking to use Keap / Infusionsoft webforms

  1. Here is how to create a web form  –
  2. How to make better web forms –
  3. And a very useful tip, how to link web forms together. With this tip, you can have a very short form just asking for the minimum amount of information – name and email for instance. So once you capture the basic information then the automation starts. But then the contact goes to a Thank you page which is in effect a second linked form. Here you can ask a series of profiling questions which could be gold to your sales team. But should the prospect ignore this second form then at a very minimum you have captured the basic information AND you can follow up. Here is a resource to help you set this up


If you would like to discuss more advance marketing techniques that utilise Keap / Infusionsoft web forms then please schedule a Discovery call.

infusionsoft webforms

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Jeff Rau – Physical Therapist

Thank you, Julian, for helping breath sanity into my business marketing world.…

Jeff Rau - Jeff Rau Physical Therapy

