While it’s true that email is in steady decline as a marketing media – it still plays an important part, especially with regards to follow-up.
Getting your emails delivered is half the battle – which is why you have to pay attention to your deliverability rates when using a CRM.
But what you really want (more than anything else) is to get your email read. And that all starts with the subject lines.
So I thought I’d share with you the Top 10 email subject lines from the past 12 months.
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Here are the Entrepreneurs Circle top 10 email subject lines, they are:
There you have it. Lots of lessons in there if you’re paying attention. None of these subject lines summarises the content or state the bleeding obvious. They all caused a lot of people to want to
read the rest of the email. Some of them are intriguing. Some evoke a bit of emotion: both good and bad. And that’s exactly what you want to cause in your audience – if you want to get your
emails read.
Feel free to swipe, modify and try these – because your emails are not getting read as much as they could or should be are they. And more reads equals more clicks. More clicks equal more sales.
And more sales equals more profit.
Over to you…
Check out the EC Marketing System Foundation Block 1 – how to assess the quality of your marketing.

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