The Top 24 Marketing Copywriting Angles for Marketers

marketing copywriting anglesWhen creating marketing and advertisement copy there are 24 marketing copywriting angles you can take…

1 New
The most popular messaging. People are attracted to the new and shiny, so definitely test this out if it is something new but don’t lie about it

2 Save Money
Who doesn’t love to get a deal and save money?

3 Save Time
We each only have so many hours in a day. Everyone loves a shortcut.

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4 Dog Whistle
This is exactly what sounds like it. You should call out a keyword, phrase, image or message that will resonate with your ideal audience and they will “prick up their ears” and listen to your message.

5 Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
This is a common one. Basically, you are playing on the fear that they will miss out if they don’t take action.

6 News Hijack
Piggyback what is going on in the news, especially if it is news related to your industry. Steer clear of the usual contentious issues – religion, politics etc

7 Better Mousetrap
Similar flavour to the New angle, however, everybody’s always looking for a better way to do something.

8 Us versus Them
Here you’re highlighting a common enemy. Basically, you are saying we’re a group and we don’t like these other people.

9 Social Proof
Which is showing other people who are using your product or service. It shows that the reader is making the right choice because others are doing the same. Safety in numbers.

10 Shout
You are actually shouting to just a generic trait that they have so small business owners literally all in CAPITALS.

11 Bandwagon
The bandwagon angle is, hey, everybody else is doing it, you probably want to do it too.

12 How to [GOOD THING] without [BAD THING]
e.g. How to paint with water colours without hours of practice. This is a classic in copywriting and marketing and works tremendously as a headline, article or Facebook Ad. Think about your audience, what they want to achieve (good thing) and the common fears or objections they have (bad thing) and get going!
13 The Truth About [THING]
e.g. The truth about water colour paints…
A great way to pique curiosity in the reader.. anyone who’s a little interested in the subject matter will dive in and read on to discover the truth!
14 What to do if [X]
e.g. What to do if you have water colour paints, but no water! A great way to give value first, show that you know what you’re talking about and build trust right from the get-go.
15 The Great [X] Hoax
e.q. The Great Water Colour Paint Hoax. People LOVE conspiracy theories, hoaxes and secrets – and you can find a way to write about them you can guarantee you’ll get the eyeballs and attention you want from people. If you’re stuck thinking about what your great hoax is think of common misconceptions, things your competitors say that isn’t true or any inside industry secrets that the public would love to know…
16 The Open Letter
e.g. An Open Letter to ALL Water Colour Artists. This is a surprisingly effective way to write ads, in particular Facebook Ads. If you have your targeting bang on so that the person reading your ad fits in the pool of people you’re addressing your letter to, you’ll be surprised at just how engaging it is.
17 Declaration of WAR!
e.g. I’m declaring WAR on water color paints! A little bit extreme, but this is a fantastic way to get noticed and build trust. Fight against a common enemy – for example I might declare war against ‘get-rich-quick gurus’ – and my audience it would love it – because they hate them too!
e.g. EXPOSED! The truth about water colours…
People absolutely love seeing things exposed(!). This is great for ads but also follow up emails.
19 The Emotional Story
e.g. I remember the look in my daughters eyes when, with a flourish, she added the finishing touches to her first masterpiece..  We are brought up from childhood to love stories, and an emotional
story that pulls on the heart strings IS a great way to draw people in, get their attention, get them to know you, build your relationship and make them more likely to do the thing you want them to do.
20 The Breakthrough
e.g. BREAKING NEWS! New water color technique…
Something new, exciting and interesting that will help your prospects and bring them closer towards you.
e.g. I took one look at his water colours and was mad as hell…   An amazing hook. The key is to find something sensible to get mad about! This normally works best if you’re mad at what you’ve seen a customer or prospect doing because of what someone else has told them (e.g. they’ve been clicking Boost on Facebook!).
22 What You Don’t Know
e.g. The one thing you should NEVER do when using water colours…    Curiosity. Gets them every time and as an expert in what you do, this should be a nice easy once to pick apart the key and common mistakes you see people making.
e.g. Everything you’ve been taught about water colours is DEAD WRONG! Go against the grain, blow their minds and draw them closer to you by showing you know what you’re talking about!
24 Confirmation of Existing Fear
e.g. Here’s why your water colours aren’t looking as good as you hoped…  Chances are your prospects already have fears, concerns or pre-conceived objections around what you do or just the industry that you’re in. This angle uses that and twists it into our favour. Confirm their fears but then help them overcome and provide the solution they’re looking for.
Take your pick and try them out. You’ll never need to start from a blank page ever again!

Is your marketing effective? Check out my post on the Entrepreneurs Circle Business Inspector audit that enables you to assess your current marketing.

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