Test, Test, Test for online marketing success

It is very surprising how many small businesses invest many thousands of pounds in developing a website and expect it to perform and generate profitable sales from day one. When the expected sales fail to materialise then everyone involved is disappointed and the website tends to get forgotten about.

Before I became involved in online marketing I have many years of experience in traditional direct mail and mail order catalogue marketing experience, so I already appreciate the power of testing and the key importance of testing aspects of a website and online marketing activity.

Years before the internet was invented direct marketers developed rigorous testing programs and many successful businesses developed and fortunes amassed as a result. It is no different with online marketing, except many businesses and marketers totally ignore it!  I have seen it reported that only 1% of businesses do any testing with their website!

Simply put. When you start a testing program you will start to learn what works and what doesn’t. You keep what works and drop what doesn’t. Each improvement you make has a cumulative effect and so even small improvements all add up to significantly increase your business’s profitability.

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The beauty of testing with online marketing is the speed and cost. In direct mail it could take 3 to 5 months to get a result from a single test by the time all the design, product and subsequent sales are generated and analysed. But online this can be cut to a matter of days. Traditional direct mail tests would cost significant money, but online it is practically nothing.

As management theorist, Peter Druker reportedly said, “what gets measured gets improved”


Photo by Vlad Chețan

Morgan Muhwati – Charity Funding

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Morgan Muhwati - DreamBlazers


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The Entrepreneurs Marketing System has been written by myself and Nigel Botterill and has taken the best part of 10 years to hone, refine and test and is the foundation of the Entrepreneurs Circle coaching system.

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What is Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching and how can it help you?

As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

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