Stop those Spambots filling your Keap / Infusionsoft database with crap contacts

spambot infusionsoftOne thing to keep an eye open for with Keap / Infusionsoft is when a malicious Spambot latches on to your Keap / Infusionsoft web form. You often only find out about this when your database suddenly fills up with crap contact records.

So this fills up your database and you could end up having to upgrade your Keap / Infusionsoft at extra cost to accommodate all this useless data.

Also, it can damage your Sender reputation with the ISPs. If you are sending them a load of junk email addresses to process then they will not look favourably on accepting email sends from you in the future.


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1. Do nothing. If it happens then manually remove the junk contacts. But if they number in the thousands then it can be a real issue to sort the wheat from the chaff.

2. The easiest solution is to use the built-in free Google CAPTCHA field on all your Keap / Infusionsoft forms. But these look ugly, take up space and put people of completing your form. The Google Captch is not 100% effective, it will always let the first spam submission through and after that, it learns the IP address. This issue then is that the spambot will repeatedly switch IPs, so it can still add spam contacts, just at a reduced rate.

3. You can use SpamKill, it’s a paid for service but very effective and is highly recommended by the Keap / Infusionsoft consultant community.

4. Or you could create an Keap / Infusionsoft campaign which will catch out the Spambots and enable you to easily identify junk contacts and simply delete them in batches. its a free solution but does require a bit of simple housekeeping to delete the spam contacts in easily identified batches.

Check out this short 6-minute video I created to show how to do this.

Youtube video link


Johannes Stier – Tao Health & Wellness Centre

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