Have you got staff recruitment LinkedIn marketing automation strategy?

LinkedIn staff recruitment marketing automationHave you got a staff recruitment Linkedin marketing automation strategy that will make staff recruitment easier?  (or do you want to generate more sales? – that’s a whole other topic. Click here)

Most employers never tap into the full staff recruitment potential of LinkedIn because it is hard and time-consuming work. Proactively searching for candidates and trying to engage them with them. And don’t forget at any one time only about 20% of people are actively looking for a new job, so there could be a huge universe of potential employees who have not even thought of moving jobs – that is until you engage with them, build a relationship so that they want to come and work for you. This can all take a huge amount of time and I certainly do not have time for all that. But there is an answer – and it does not require a recruitment consultant!

One way that employers often restrict their success on LinkedIn is to only connect with people they know – friends, colleagues, clients, prospects. Doing this will mean you have a very low number of 1st-degree connections and hence limited LinkedIn success.

On average 70% of LinkedIn members have less than 1000 1st Connections. Which is just not enough critical mass to make LinkedIn work for you.

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staff recruitment LinkedIn marketing automation


But, there is an answer.

LinkedIn Staff Recruitment Automation – let the automation take the strain and sell your job with your company to prospective employees.

Here are the top automated LinkedIn automated strategies that I deploy when working with clients in order to build a complete LinkedIn staff recruitment strategy bespoke for the client.


1/ 1st Connection Builder Strategy

In LinkedIn, it is not just about the number of 1st Degree connections you have. What is key is the number of 2nd and 3rd connections. The more 2nd and 3rd connections that you have then the larger the searchable universe of contacts you have available for future staff recruitment marketing campaigns. Imagine having at your fingertips an up-to-date database of people that you can reach who have the skills you need.

Imagine you are a 1st Degree connection to a previous employee who went to work for a competitor or maybe they set up their own business. They probably started their new job and then connected with their new colleagues, they are now your 2nd degree connections. And these 2nd degree connections most likely have a whole bunch of their own connections, and these are now your 3rd degree connections. And we can reach these people and start to build a relationship with marketing automation.

I would say you need 2500 1st connections to give you a valuable full universe of millions (unfortunately LinkedIn no longer shows us the total number of connections) of searchable 2nd and 3rd degree contacts.

It took me 10 years to get my first 1000 contacts. With my ethical strategy, we can now build that number of contacts within months.


2/ LinkedIn Data Mining Strategy

Set marketing automation to data-mine your 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree connections to find potential employees in your industry and then automatically follow up with direct messages. I recently had one client with over 3000 high-value 1st degree connections. But he could not access the contact details i.e. phone and email number from LinkedIn (the LinkedIn contact export tool gives very restricted data). We data-mined his 1st-degree connections and created a usable spreadsheet with the full contact details and a wealth of other data on the contacts which he could then use for marketing purposes.


3/  LinkedIn Dream 100 Strategy

Use LinkedIn to identify your Dream 100 ideal potential employees. Then target them with direct messages in LinkedIn. And you could even bolt on an automated marketing tool, like Keap (learn more here) to follow up offline from LinkedIn with emails, texts, direct mail and phone calls.


4/ Direct Message 1st Degree Contacts Strategy

Say you want to get a direct message out to a select group of your 1st Degree connections saying that you are looking to recruit a staff member. Imagine having to manually direct message one-by-one over say 2500 1st connections that you have a new job opening. Or all the members of an industry-based LinkedIn Group you are a member of. It’s not possible to do it yourself, let the automation take the strain. It’s like having your own email list to spread the word.


5/ CRM & Marketing Automation Strategy

From all your LinkedIn automated strategies we can push 1st-degree contacts into your chosen CRM / Marketing automation platform. For example – MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, Pipedrive or my preferred solution Keap (for transparency I am Keap Certified Partner). Imagine proactively and automatically connecting with a potential employee in LinkedIn before you even have a job opening. You keep in touch and build “Know, like  and trust” with automated LinkedIn direct messages over time. But then outside of linkedIn you could even keep in touch over the long term with via email, texts, phone calls and even direct mail (we can do 100% automated direct mail with Keap). Then when you have a job opening you have a hot list of not only people who are looking for a job at that time (the 20%) but also all the others who were happy in their job – that is until you approached them directly – automatically of course.


If you are interested to learn more about how I assist clients with staff recruitment automation then I would be happy to discuss this on a short Discovery call.

staff recruitment LinkedIn marketing

Kate Burt – Solicitor

I can't recommend Julian highly enough…

Kate Burt - Kate Burt Legal Ltd


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