Create a smarter retargeting campaign

smarter retargetingA retargeting campaign is a powerful tool in the marketers arsenal.

But is its ability to reach previous visitors to your site beginning to wain as the average consumer becomes wise to being “followed” or “stalked” with ads as they browse the internet?

So is it time for a change of emphasis by marketers? If someone goes on a site looking for a red jacket (as in the cartoon) why bombard them with ads for red jackets for ever more?

What I have started doing with my retargeting activity is to create an ongoing series of retargeting ads that add value to previous site visitors – tips, advise and news for instance. Anything that I feel my audiences will find of value, I can quickly and easily create an advert with the dynamic ad builder in Google Adwords and be informing my audience immediately.

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And when you think about this it is a really interesting concept. Create a planned retargeting campaign. So I do not need to capture an email address to get an ongoing stream of communications to potential customers and clients. So no struggle to get that few percent of visitors to give me their email address – I have all of them as soon as they land on my site (provided of course they do not delete their cookies). And then it is my job to add value with new and value adding ads that keep them coming back to my site so I can refresh to cookie and keep them “subscribed”.

This may not work for every marketer – I guess advertisers with many products would find this difficult to implement. But for others it could be a way to differentiate yourself from the competition – by continually adding value (and building your brand) to your previous site visitors and then when they are ready to buy they see you as a trusted adviser.

Cheers Julian

Genevieve Rockett – Health & Wellbeing

Julian is fantastic! Really holds a deep understanding of Keap. He saved us enormous amounts of time and....…

Genevieve Rockett - iPivot-now


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