Selling to Serve – James Asford – GoProposal

I have just read Selling to Serve by James Ashford of GoProposal.

james ashford selling to serve goproposalI must say from the outset that I am not an accountant, but I have worked with a fair few over the years. I can see that the tactics and strategies outlined by James could be universally applied to most businesses. But the book does an excellent job to ensure the tactics and strategies resonate with accountancy practice owners.

At the end of the book James mentions his product GoProposal and having seen a number of my clients using this software I have been very impressed with it. So GoProposal handles the marketing from the point of sending the proposal to the client agreeing to engage your services.

Early in the book James mentions the marketing automation that undertakes the marketing to the point that the poposal is sent. So that includes Discovery calls where he mentioned using Calendly and using Infusionsoft (now called Keap) to handle the automation of follow up using emails, texts and direct mail.

I have specialised since 2009 in assisting clients to automate marketing using tools like Infusionsoft (Keap) and so if you are interested in implementing James’s tactics and strategies with tools like Infusionsoft and GoProposal then I offer a free Discovery call where we can chat about your requirements and formulate a Marketing Automation Plan for your buinsess. Feel free to schedule a Discovery Call here.

Morgan Muhwati – Charity Funding

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Morgan Muhwati - DreamBlazers

