Are you looking for remote Keap / Infusionsoft training and implementation? During the Coronavirus pandemic (March/April 2020) this focused my attention on how to deliver remotely my Keap / Infusionsoft training and implementation services. As I had already been using Zoom for a couple of years, so I focused on Zoom rather than Skype, as Zoom has a number of distinct advantages.
Prior to the pandemic, I had focused on doing on-site, one-2-on training in the UK which typically consisted of two full days working on site with the client. So I then switched to doing full day calls on Zoom (with regular ‘bio’ breaks) and this worked exceedingly well. So I now offer this as a training and implementation option when it is not possible to visit a clients place of business.
However, there was one main advantage that I did not intially foresee. With Zoom we can easily and reliably record the video and audio of the calls, audio can even be accurately transcribed by artificial intelegance if required. Now with the training structured using an agenda it makes it possible during the remote training days to record a series of bespoke training videos for the client. So at the end of the two days training a library of training vidoes can be created for the client as a lasting training resource specific to that clients business requirements.
If you would like to lean more about my remote Keap / Infusionsoft training and implementation by Zoom please schedule a free Discovery call.