Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestley ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

oversubscribed book cover

I had to read Oversubscribed after my brother said that it contained many of the ideas and principles that I follow.

And he was right. This book resonated very strongly with me – it makes perfect sense.

Rather than think of the market forces of supply and demand being fixed, the paradigm shift occurs when you see how the factors governing demand can be changed by you, for your benefit.

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Another paradigm shift is to think about getting new clients in batches rather than one at a time.

On page 159 Daniel says – “From now on you’re also in the IT business” – and that is so true. If you do not have systems in place (like Keap / Infusionsoft) to automate your marketing and business processes then you are in big trouble. So many businesses do not realise what technology can do for them or how the costs have come down.

What this book has done is given me context for the things that I have been doing and have given me success already. Now I have more structure and insight into how it all fits together, rather than just doing things off the cuff because they feel the right things to do.

Oversubscribed is one book I look forward to reading again and will be a book I recommend to my clients.

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As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

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