Great resource for Keap / Infusionsoft users to learn marketing from Neil Patel

If you are looking to take your marketing to the next level and become an advanced Keap / Infusionsoft marketer then I suggest you subscribe to Neil Patels podcast – Marketing School.

Each episode is about 10 minutes, but it is gold. This is stuff you will not learn from any book or attending any course. Neil Patel knows his stuff.

Listening to podcasts has been a big lesson I have learnt in the last year. With a podcast like Neil Patels I am able to fill all those free minutes that are usually wasted in the day – waiting for a train, picking the kids up from school. All this minutes previously wasted really add up when you utilise them to the full to take your marketing to the next level.

neil patel Here is the link to Neil Patels podcast

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You can also search for “Neil Patel Marketing School” in the podcast app on your smartphone.




And Neil Patel also uses Keap / Infusionsoft….

Neil Patel uses Keap / Infusionsoft










(Image by Pieter S Verasdonck on Twitter)









Michael Joseph – Dental Laboratory

In the last three month Julian has transformed my sales...…

Michael Joseph - Biterite Dental Laboratory


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