Is Keap / Infusionsoft right for automating the marketing processes in your business?

Below you will find a list of criteria that Keap / Infusionsoft have identified as what their ideal clients look like.

So the Keap / Infusionsoft marketing automation application will suit small businesses that:

Have a website with traffic (500+ visitors/month)
Have an email list (1000+ contacts)
Speak English and do business in English-speaking countries
Have a marketing budget
Have been in business for 1+ years
The business is their sole source of income
Track their marketing ROI & effectiveness
Want to increase conversion from web traffic
Want to improve follow up with leads & customers
Want to improve internal efficiency through automating workflow

If your business fits the above criteria then may be you should be looking at Keap / Infusionsoft to grow your business and profitability.

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Michael Skirving – Catering

We met Julian at an EC Conference and were impressed…

Michael Skirving - EaT Cuisine Group

