If you are generating Google reviews on Google My Business then it can be a smart move to reply to Google My Business reviews. But it is a manual chore. So this is an ideal use case for ChatGPT.
In the video below these are the stages we go through.
- Someone leaves a review on Google My Business.
- If they leave a 4 or 5-star review then we filter them with Zapier.
- Zapier then pushes the details of the review into ChatGPT
- ChatGPT writes a unique reply to the review.
- ChatGPT pushes the reply message back into Zapier.
- Zapier updates the Google review with the reply generated by Chat GPT.
So in the video below, I go through the Zapier setup to do this. I assume you are familiar with using Zapier.
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So this solution in the above video accommodates 4 or 5-star reviews. As smart as ChatGPT is I would not be comfortable with having it reply automatically to any 1,2 or 3-star reviews. In these instances, I feel it is better for a human to respond who can act/reply appropriately. This too can be accommodated using Zapier. In this instance we would create a second Zap in Zapier – and it would filter so we only deal with 1,2 or 3-star reviews. When we get one of these reviews I would have Zapier send an email to my client to tell them to look at this particular Google review and manually intervene and respond to what has been said.
If you have any questions I would be happy to jump on a quick call to discuss and give you some pointers

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