How to create a smart ChatGPT chatbot for your website using Zapier in 15 minutes

If you want to create a smart chatbot for your website and you have a Zapier account then this is easy to do and takes 10-15 minutes. Here is a quick video I created to show you how to do this

Here is a link if you want to check my chatbot out

zapier chatgpt chatbot

So that will give you an entry-level smart chatbot. But what about something more advanced? Something whereby you can see the responses it has supplied AND then teach the chatbot how to better respond in the future – so the chatbot learns and gets smarter all the time. One such tool I am hearing about is

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If you have a larger website with a Knowledge centre and would like to build a smart chatbot then I would be interested in collaborating on the project so that we could both learn how best to use the AI for a chatbot. Contact me if you are interested in speaking.

Or if you have such a tool already successfully working then I would love to hear how you have got on.

Laura & Nathan Kurton – Hospitality

Julian has been very professional and attentive at setting up our business on High-level…

Laura & Nathan Kurton - English Cottage Vacation


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The Entrepreneurs Marketing System has been written by myself and Nigel Botterill and has taken the best part of 10 years to hone, refine and test and is the foundation of the Entrepreneurs Circle coaching system.

It gives SME business owners a proven step-by-step system to get and retain all the customers they'll ever need.... Rhythmically & consistently -  just like clockwork.

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What is Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching and how can it help you?

As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

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