How to ask for reviews and testimonials from customers (and even prospects!)

how to generate reviews and testimonialsReviews and testimonials add so much to the social proof of your business. But just asking a customer for a review is not enought. For the customer, it puts them under pressure as they have to think and that makes it feel like work. As a result, most people will just not get around to it. But this simple script guides them to formulate a review quickly and easily.

So ask –>

  1. Who are you, what is the name of your business?
  2. What was the problem you were experiencing?
  3. What was your experience of working with us?
  4. What would you say to anyone thinking of working with us?

And that’s it. These four questions prompt the customer to quickly leave a review.

By the way, a great tool to capture video reviews is VideoAsk.

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And another trick you can try to really ramp up your review and testimonial generation. If you do Discovery Calls with your prospects then what I will do on the call is really add value and help the prospect. Now after spending time to help them and in the process working out if my service is the right fit, then sometimes I decide the fit is not right and politely explain what I am turning them away. In these instances, I will then ask for a review and most people at this point will be happy to leave a review – after all you have spent time helping them and will often be only too happy to oblige with a review.

Carie Lyndene – The Sales Sage

I’m seeing a big shift in my results. Thank you Julian!…

Carie Lyndene - Exceptional Sales Results Ltd


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