How to animate LinkedIn Profile Photos

animate your linkedin profile imageHave you noticed on LinkedIn how some contacts are now able to animate their LinkedIn profile image?

It is a really eyecatching feature.

But how do you set this up on your profile – as it is not very clear how to do this?

To set up, what LinkedIn call a Cover Story you will need the LinkedIn mobile app on your phone, you cannot do it from your computer.

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To add a cover story:

  1. Tap your profile photo > View Profile.
  2. Tap the  Add icon on your profile photo >  Add cover story >  to Record video.

    • You’d have to enable the camera and microphone access to record a cover story.
    • The video should be at least three seconds long. You can stop recording any time after this by tapping the record button.
  3. After recording, you can:
    • Watch a preview of your cover story
    • Select the visibility of your cover story
  4. Tap  Next > Add to profile from the adjust preview screen.

To view, edit, or delete your cover story:

  1. Tap your profile picture > View Profile.
  2. Tap your profile photo > View or edit cover story .
  3. From here, you can:
    • Tap  Edit to increase or decrease the preview size of the video, use video filters, adjust, change the position and size, or rotate your video.
    • Tap  Add to add a new video.
    • Tap  Delete to delete your cover story.
    • Change the visibility of your cover story.
  4. Follow prompts to save or Add to profile.


  • A cover story can’t exceed 30 seconds.
  • You must be using the latest version of the LinkedIn mobile app to create and watch cover stories.
  • The profile video feature is currently unavailable for members located in China.
  • If a member has disabled autoplay of videos on LinkedIn, then the member won’t be able to view the preview.
  • You can view and delete a cover story from the LinkedIn desktop site.

More information available on LinkedIn

If you found this post useful on How to animate LinkedIn Profile Photos then you may be interested in my blog post on how to add animated images to your email marketing. Read Make your emails eyecatching with unexpected moving pictures

Shane Cradock – Business Consultant

I wish I'd found Julian years ago - I was lost in the wilderness…

Shane Cradock - Cradock Consulting Ltd


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