How do Keap and Keap Classic compare?

keap max and keap max classicAre you wondering what are the differences between Keap and Keap Classic? There are subtle differences and the version that will suit you best will depend on how sophisticated you want to be with your marketing automation.

Below is a great video where Grady and Robert from Keap explain the differences between Keap and Keap Classic in detail. If at some point you would like to speak with me further about your specific requirements then feel free to schedule a free Discovery Call.

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compare keap max and keap max classic

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Video Transcript

Grady 0:01
Hey, everybody, welcome to this webinar. My name is Grady. I’m a coach here at keep. And I’m joined by my colleague, Robert Anderson, Robert, how’s it going?

Robert 0:09
Oh, it’s gone. Well, you know, just chugging along trying to stay alive this year, as opposed to last year. So

Grady 0:16
yep, Roberts on my team, he’s a coach as well. And we’re really excited to talk about some exciting updates that are happening here at Keap and a new product that we’re adding to our line up. So let me go ahead and share my screen with you guys want to talk about these things and show you these things in action? All right, perfect. So there’s some big changes coming on February 1, we are basically gonna make some changes to the product lineup. You know, for a while it has been Keap Gro, Keap Pro and then Infusionsoft. And we just found that when it comes to having our mission to make serving small businesses easier and easier, we had to make some updates, some changes. And so we’re going to be doing that inside of our lineup. Right now. You know, we’ve got our Keap Gro product, our Keap Pro product, and Infusionsoft. And it’s great because for those of you that are, you know, beginning businesses or don’t need a lot of automation, Keap Gro is great for you. If you need a little bit more, there’s Keap Pro. And if you want to even get even more features and enhancements, there is Infusionsoft most of you are in that product today for joining us in today’s session. What we found though, is that there’s kind of a big jump between Keap Pro and Infusionsoft. And also a big thing that we have found is that there’s a lot of great features that are in Infusionsoft that people in Keap Pro need. And there’s probably some things in Infusionsoft that people probably don’t need and would love to get some of the features that are available in Keap Pro. And so we’re changing things up a little bit. We’ve got this new user interface that’s in Keap Gro and Keap Pro and we’re changing Keap Gro’s name to Keap Lite and Keap Pro is staying the same and now introducing Keap to the lineup, it basically will sit at the top of our product lineup. And it is really the best solution for those businesses that that need a lot of power and and need to be able to have e commerce analytics, and some additional features that are upcoming. But don’t maybe need a lot of the customizations available to you guys right now in Infusionsoft. Now Infusionsoft is still around, we’re still gonna keep that product, it is still in our lineup, we still love it. But it’s gonna be called Keap Classic, because Keap is definitely our upper echelon of products. And we’ll have Keap that will be in the Keap user interface. And then we’ll have Keap Classic that is the same product that you might know and love today. But you might be open to checking out some other options when it comes to which edition of our software you’re in. And so in today’s session, we want to help you do just that. And we’ll help you to know what Keap is? You know, what are the things that are available to me? Is it a good fit? You know, I’ve been using Infusionsoft for six months or six years. Do I need to switch? Should I stay where I’m at? We’ll help you to answer those questions today. And we’ll show you how you can convert your Keap Classic over to Keap if you wish. It’s what you’ve been looking for, or I should say to Max, or we’ll talk about how you can try it out if you’re kind of on the fence. So Robert, I’d love to know for someone who’s maybe not quite sure. Who’s the kind of person that should try out Keap.

Robert 3:38
Honestly, one of the biggest attractions is just how awesome the interface is to use in Keap. It’s very mobile friendly. So if you’re excited about not only the power that Infusionsoft has brought to you over the years, Keap provides the same power, you know, trying to get there, in some cases, with a much easier interface. Additionally, a lot of the toolset is more aligned in a different way. For example, instead of having Calendly or another tool like that, you can actually just use our own built in appointments tool, the mobile app is a lot more robust, including the ability to have an SMS for one on one messaging. And then just like the dedicated business line let people leaving voicemails and such, just having that integrated into the interaction you have with your list.

Robert 4:23
Additionally, some of the power coming from Keap Classic is e-commerce, right? I don’t need to be involved in them buying their own stuff, HAVE Checkout forms that’s available in Mac’s as well as well. And then again, the same power and customization of Infusionsoft in the campaign builder is still right there for people to leverage. So just a good mix of both worlds.

Grady 4:44
Yeah, and I love that idea. Yes, the campaign builder is still there. I would say I probably spend 90% of my time inside of now Keap Classic (Formerly Infusionsoft) in the campaign builder. And that same power is going to be inside of Keap as well, which I think is really cool. Now, when we are changing over to Keap from Keap Classic, what are some of the things that we get that we might not have access to right now?

Robert 5:16
Yeah, so a little building on that. So appointments, again, the ability for you to share a link and people can book on their own call that’s built in, including the goals and campaign builder to that extent, right, that follow up on that.

Grady 5:29
So no need for third party calendar tools.

Robert 5:32
Yeah, not required unless you have some ninja stuff you want to keep? Cool. Yeah, same API stuff, no change there. The mobile app again, just the ease of use that you don’t have to be at a computer. tablets and phones are a lot more accessible for the most part, right? SMS messaging, right. So kind of building on that the communication piece of that, including the business plan, right? So like voicemail, the phone and texting part of that, right? Easy? automations? Man, right? We’ve been talking about campaign builder a little bit. Sometimes you just want to get something quick done. And you feel like you have to, like build a new house, you know, easy. automations is easier, like, No, just send them an email every time someone books like that’s all I need just basic text way easier. So we’ll introduce that a little more detail, but just a little more flexibility in how we build out automation, email. And calendar sync is something we don’t talk a lot about here. But just way easier to connect to your Google calendar or email. Same with Outlook. Right? Keep that straightforward. And then Google reviews just a nice feature to link to your business as far as collecting testimonials, after the fact.

Grady 6:36
Yeah, just before this session, I had a customer that we’ve been going back and forth a few times trying to get our account. What’s the word? deployment rebooked? And after two emails back and forth, like what am I doing? I just sent him a link to book his appointment. I think this is craziness. And so I love it. I love that it’s included and built in no more like having to get it connected. And all these things, I love that they’re all just in the software. A lot of these things, I think a lot of you are probably even using a third party right now to meet this need. And now you have the option now to have it automatically part of  your experience with with Keap. So I know that Keap is a new product in the product line. What is new versus our current? Because I know a lot of people probably are newer to us. And maybe they are considering Keap Pro. And it didn’t quite have what they needed at the time. And so they moved over to Infusionsoft or Keap Classic. So what are the new things about Keap that might bring someone back over to this new Keap interface that was missing before?

Robert 7:42
Yeah, great question. So in addition to what you already get in Keap Pro, right. There’s checkout forms, as we mentioned, the ability for someone to purchase online, rather than just leveraging invoices and quotes. That’s, unique to Keap. Lead scoring. So some of that is for those familiar with Keap Classic and Infusionsoft the ability to classify based on activity or behaviour, and prioritise the follow up based on the score of those leads, analytics is just advanced visual reporting. There’s more and more customization coming to it, where get a pulse on email rates and other engagement in the app just more intuitively. So those are just unique to Keap, given the feature set we think is attracting that maturity of business.

Grady 8:27
okay, nice. Now, one of the things I feel personally a lot is is that FOMO  – fear of missing out. It’s the I like these new things that are available, but I’m afraid I might lose something if I switch. Are there any things that I have to walk away from? Or I might lose if I change over to Keap from Keap Classic?

Robert 8:48
Yeah, definitely there are some cases, it’s just different. In some cases, it’s not there, and perhaps not there yet. Right. So My Day, that specific view, where you have the side column of here’s the tasks assigned to you with a completion date of today. appointments, your active deals or opportunities in the pipeline. What needs to be done today, right. Speaking of opportunities, the records, right, the way we manage sales pipeline in Keap Classic, is through like the opportunity to record you move those through stages. That looks a little different in Keap, which we can go over in a little bit. Yeah, in Keap or Keap Pro, whichever version you might have. So you still have sales team functionality, but it just operates very differently. The existing opportunity records aren’t there though. So affiliate referral tracking, that piece of e commerce right where you have affiliates, referral partners, that’s not available in any Keap UI product, including Keap. And then lastly, the shopping cart while we do have checkout forms, currently the storefront like Amazon isn’t available in Keap.

Grady 9:55
Okay, so I can still do like a single product and then Link somebody to that. But if I had like 20 products and send them to a page with all those products on it, then it might not be the right fit.

Robert 10:07
Yeah, and it could be a package store like, hey, these three products are my offer to you. That’s one link. So you could bundle things. It just can’t be like a list of separate products. So regarding automation, there’s given the features that are not in Keap, some of the Keap and Infusionsoft goals relating to opportunities or other things of that nature, are not available in Keap. There’s a couple other goals that aren’t available such as the note template, again, just the way things operator a little different. We can go through an expansive list a little later, but there are some differences given the feature set.

Grady 10:42
Okay. So some things on top of the same functionality, so they don’t show up as a goal or a sequence, action item or action tool inside of the campaign. Okay, that makes sense. And so who are the customers that should stay with Keap classic? if, you know, if you’re kind of if someone’s on the fence? What are some good indicators, let somebody know, hey, you’re probably in the right product already.

Robert 11:06
For example, in the case of affiliates, that is not available at all in Keap. So stay on Keap Classic for sure if that’s very critical for you. My Day, if for whatever reason, you just heavily leveraged that with a sales team or anything of that nature, probably stay, at least for the foreseeable future, right? That just makes sense for the way you manage your business. If you use a lot of our own built in e commerce functionality, like the shopping cart, specifically, that that would be a reason to stay on Keap Classic, including for now, like promotions and things of that nature. If you’re doing a lot of that heavy e commerce build. A lot of international customers, we do have the mobile app, however, the business line and SMS, you know, there’s a lot of legal stuff we have to work through to get like phone numbers and stuff in different countries.

Grady 11:53
I think the business line is only available right now in the US and Canada.

Robert 11:56
All right. And then lastly, if you manage large sales team in the opportunity pipeline in Keap Classic, there’s a lot of built in reporting with those records. Some of that isn’t quite there yet, in Mac’s pending. But as of today is what I wouldn’t move if you have heavily sales team.

Grady 12:13
Gotcha. So one of the things that happens when I whenever I hear something like this happening where, hey, there’s a new product, and it looks like you know, the key products, the Keap UI there’s that idea of is Infusionsoft going away, like, like, are we gonna just set this on the shelf? and ignore it?

Robert 12:32
no, that’s not that’s not the plan at all. We’ve tried to, like put good faith forward. And throughout 2020, we had weekly releases, optimising or adding features to Keap classic, including just the UI sure it’s older, it’s a classic view, but let’s modernise it a bit. And we’ve done a lot of that work. So some of the upcoming features deal with the UI being a lot more pleasant, more manageable, particularly attacking ecommerce a little bit and making it more updated.

Grady 12:59
Some areas of the software become mobile responsive.

Robert 13:02
Yes, exactly. Things of that nature. Where honestly, there no the mobile app. But you can log into your Chrome mobile browser and do a lot of work there as far as keeping

Grady 13:11
tabs on or Safari, if that’s your thing.

Robert 13:14
Yeah, if you have a Mac, right, I guess that works.

Okay, it’s not my thing.

Grady 13:21
Well, so is there any updates coming then to Keap in the future that people should be keeping an eye out for?

Robert 13:26
Yeah, particularly in Keap Classic. So there’s like SMS automation, SMS broadcasts that just email like enhancements to campaign builder doing more powerful things. So if we draw the line like, hey, this should be available for like lighter users. Well, what can we now reach with more advanced users? Perhaps. So opening that bag? And then landing pages is a big ticket item. So like just capturing leads more

Grady 13:51

Robert 13:52
and effectively even me building my pages? Right? We’re doing a lot of work there with our heavy users in Keap Classic.

Grady 13:58
Okay, nice. So it sounds like we’re almost getting a better differentiation where, you know, before we were trying to take the power of, of Keap classic or formerly Infusionsoft. And we’re trying to kind of water it down for people that needed simplicity. Now, we’re saying no, no, no, let’s just lean in on the advanced user, and then make them a product, but also for the customer who needs some advanced but not quite as much. As you know, some other people. They get some simplicity and some ease of use, but still all the power, if they were to switch to Keap.

Robert 14:36
Yeah. And honestly, as our as our CEO, Clayton says, follow up works, you know, so it shouldn’t be hard to follow up with your leads/ customers. How can we make that easier for small businesses today? So a lot of our decisions deal with just simplifying that for everyone. So yeah, absolutely helps differentiate who we’re talking about based on the product.

Grady 15:00
Awesome. Well, that’s the demos, I’d love to see. If I was someone who was inside of Keap Classic right now, what are maybe the things, an example of a use case that I could say, hey, if I were to switch over to Keap, I would get these new benefits. And it would make my process even easier.

Robert 15:18
A business that I feel like makes sense because as an onboarding consultant, I meet with people regularly that’s my meat and potatoes of my job, like meet with people help them consult. So I’ll kind of reference a consultative style business. We’re going to use this business, the 19th hole is kind of like golf. So trying to build a consultation, let’s say I’m a pro golfer, and I help you become better, right? So let’s let’s connect, let’s see how I can help you Where are you at. So let me share my screen here. Cool, and it should be this one. Alright, so here we are, this is the homepage to keep experience. This is your first time looking at it welcome. The business case we’re going over again consultative, so we want to do here is make it easy for people to request to connect with me online. If they didn’t book follow up to make sure they do book. When they do book try to prompt them to buy something pretty straightforward business cases simplified just for the sake of time. But you know, we can go in-depth as time permits. So starting out, as far as the experience, you’ll see some of the features we discussed messaging appointments, checkout forms with the other money, automation features easy automations, which we’ll go over in a second. Given given my situation, I want to make it easy to capture leads, right I want to show you real quick how we can go about creating a form a webform. Right, without having to dive into the all the bells and whistles of an advanced automation or campaign builder. So let me go to Settings found at the top right. And I’ll scroll down to forms. And I’ll go to public forms. So when I click into this one, this is the Form Designer right here, I can edit it, again speaking your feature sets or will come building in the available the ability to customise this a little more. But we’ve tried to start simple and build on it right. So I can edit what fields I add to it and everything for now, I just kept it basic, because I just want them to book right, I don’t need much at this point. But again, make it super easy for everyone to just build things. So based on automation. Now, this is what I kind of want to help introduce the simplicity of building automation, when a consultation is requested until they schedule, that’s how I named it here. I’m going to go to the editor so you can see what this looks like. So when an initial consultation is submitted, then just kind of introduce you to the bird’s eye view, I’ll immediately send a constant request intro email. So just again, showing you the email builder in here. So hey, thank you for reaching out, here’s my link to connect. And they can go ahead and book a time if they didn’t already. And then if I go back here to the other view, so I get an intro email right away. After one day, if they have not booked, you’ll notice this is the the stop or end goal. If you’re familiar with campaign builder, when an appointment is scheduled, this will all stop. Right. So it’s been a day, and it’s 9am. And they still haven’t booked. Let’s go ahead and send another email, right. And then lastly, two days later, if they haven’t booked, you know what, let’s try calling them again, simple scenario. But we can build in a lot of that feature set with the goal of getting more people scheduled.

Grady 18:28
Okay, so then that one is that one email or that one a task.

Robert 18:32
So this one right here is a task.

Grady 18:34
Oh, nice.

Robert 18:35
So just pretty straightforward task builder. I’m a fan of just putting these merge fields in call so and so at this exact point number right now to do X. So makes it super easy.

Grady 18:46
Alright, and then once I guess once you Robert Anderson, books your appointment, then this automation will stop no matter where it’s at in the process.

Robert 18:56
Correct. And just to show you, I just pulled up the what the booking link would look like you can embed this on your site, if you prefer to shortcut that. But I just proceeding through this. Let’s just say I want to meet today at 2.30 booked now. Okay, there we go. And then my example Sorry, I totally didn’t configure the automation there. But yeah, again, I’m just booking a time this will auto populate if I’m going through something of nature. So I’ll go there. You’ll notice I actually just linked in Zoom, another little thing there while we’re working on working with Zoom a little more natively in the future as well. So going back to the editor, based on your question, though, when someone books this stops, and I can also build an automation that hey, when they schedule. What’s my follow up for that case?

Grady 19:40
So pretty straightforward. Oh, nice. And so all these things the form the easy automation, the scheduling tool, nothing was third party this is all native inside of Keap?

Robert 19:51
Yep. Correct. All built in. So it’s very, very convenient that way.

Grady 19:57
Oh, awesome. Yeah, this is Yeah, I love to just the ease and I mean, just how fast you’re able to just show us an update that so if you’ve got something simple to automate, awesome, there’s easy automation. But then if you want to make something detailed and complex, there’s advanced automations.

Robert 20:15
Yes, exactly advanced automations, especially for those familiar with Keap Classic, this is pulling up a campaign builder for you, this is where you would access any exist, if you didn’t make the choice to migrate over to Keap, your existing campaigns would show up in this section of advanced automations. campaigns then? No, as we mentioned a little bit, some of the goals change, like internal forms are a little different. And then a couple other things, but 90% of things are just cool. I’ll get you don’t have to republish, it’s still there.

Grady 20:47
You know, awesome. Let’s say you met with somebody you had your consultation, they kind of said, um, let me think about it. And then you wanted to send them an email, you know, automation after two or three days, and give them the opportunity to make the purchase? How would you create a page for them to buy?

Robert 21:06
Yeah, absolutely. So actually created one here and money. You’ll notice here checkout forms is one of the tabs. And we have a couple that I created just to play around with things I’ll pick on this gold CRM package purchase as an example. So if I just click Edit, I’ll kind of just show you the builder here. What products am I offering through this link. So as we mentioned earlier, you can add multiple if it makes sense for the offer. We recently added the ability to make payments recurring. So now subscriptions are that that same thing will be

Grady 21:37
nice. So then you can be like, Oh, yeah, this is our monthly golf coaching package. And it will automatically build them every month. So it’s kind of like, you better show up for your appointments, because I’m going to bill you anyways.

Robert 21:49
Yeah, that makes sense, right?

Grady 21:53
Yes, actually, definitely chase the invoice like I sent you an invoice, please pay it.

Robert 21:58
Yeah, and for the customers like in that type of level that, you know, if you’re not ecommerce heavy, but you know, you, you do sell stuff, obviously your business, you have to make money somehow. This is an easy way to manage that without like you said, you have to chase it every single time. And then, by the way, payment methods we integrate with stripe, PayPal, we pay just as we integrate with class max classic, so nothing changes. They’re all accessible through that. And then I’m able to just add my info and pay done, right click a link and I do it myself, you don’t even know. But maybe you want to find that, right? So if I exit out of this, just to show you real quick, that would be kind of like designer there. If I go to the form itself. I’m not gonna put a credit card on file here. But you know, I will go to the forum here. And I can view the details of the offer. Yes, first instalment, $39 will be charged per month, and so on. If I go back here, I do want to show you in automations a couple of things that can be leveraged, that I didn’t mention, just so you can understand how it pieces together for peace of mind here. So in my automation that when they schedule until they buy, I just wanted to show you I can have it notify me through mobile. So if you have the mobile app installed the doctor just prompt you on your phone. Hey, heads up, someone just booked again, just a little wins through life. Right? You’re on the course and just pull out your phone. Hey, someone booked cool. Just a little pick me up. So right. Again, Chris, send the notification, I can configure it to be mobile, email, etc, right. And then if I go here, I can actually create a deal in my pipeline. So if you do have more of that sales team manual, like a realtor doesn’t just sell immediately, right? They have to go through like, let’s look at the house here in Arizona like good luck getting the house you wanted the first time, right? So it takes time. Given that just add them to my pipeline. I’ve got it just tee them up for me. Right. And then a golf pun. Yeah. Yeah, just kind of showing some of that built in kind of ease of use, how do you make it easier for you where you’re at, to follow up. So a lot of that thought has been put into the pipeline

Grady 24:04
is a little bit different to right inside of this into the max.

Robert 24:08
Yeah, you’ll see kind of some of our custom stages here. But so I’ll go and sales pipeline for more traditional, if you’re familiar with Trello, Asana, some of those other like product management tools or project management tools. This you add cards to a stage right, your column is your stage here. And I can say hey, I talked with Deirdre I’m gonna send her a quote move her over to code sent right just very easy to drag and drop I can click in change live deal value, add some notes to the deal for reference, send them a quick email on the fly manually right we’ve talked about automation people are people right I just need to you know hey, we got that tile quote. We got this you know, any random thing you know, we’re in the rain today. We can’t be on the course heads up. You know, just making things up here but you can communicate on at will one on one as well.

Grady 24:56
And this is a little lightning bolt next to the qualified leads state

Robert 25:01
Yes. So you’ll notice the lightning bolt here for automations as well, you’re able, we were able to customise automation here stage by stage. So in Keap Classic campaign builder, that’s where you have to do all the automation for sales pipeline in Keap Classic here, you can actually just do a straightforward automation, like have these tags in the stage, send this quick email always, etc. So try to make ease of use outside of campaign builder to

Grady 25:26
gotcha. So automation is just kind of plugged in all over the application wherever you need it.

Robert 25:30
Yes. Try trying to make it easier. That’s

Grady 25:37
awesome. Well, let’s talk a little bit about if you’re seeing this, or if I’m seeing this, and I’m like, Okay, what do I need to do? How do I make this switch?

Robert 25:44
There is no extra cost between Keap versus Keap Classic. They both have powerful feature sets, right? switching has no consideration there. Right? Make it easy for you there was you’re making that consideration. Now. Great. This sounds fantastic. Like you said, How, honestly, you can reach out to your account manager, customer success manager here. So just connecting with them and just talking through it. By the way, if you have any reservations, any additional questions, that’s an excellent place to just talk through them, Hey, I kind of use pipeline, will this look exactly the same way? I don’t know, if I need to skewed reporting, can I get this there still get totally valid. Frankly, if you want to try it out as well, you can go to this landing page link here. And you can just sign up to try it out. So we can make that switch for you as well. So again, if you need a couple questions account manager, if you know you want to try it, just go to the link, go ahead and go Go for it. We’ll enable a 30 day toggle for you so that if you want to try it out, you can switch freely between them to get the experience without losing the ability to actually do your job today. Right. So hopefully that makes sense. Okay,

Grady 26:45
yeah, so you can try it out. You bring up a good point about like losing things. You know, that’s always one of the things is like what carries over? Do I if I switch over? Is it a clean slate? Is there information that I get to keep still is it all coming over?

Robert 27:00
So about that, so a lot of the information will carry over, particularly all of the records, still contacts, companies, the current tasks and notes you have saved on people, any save searches you have. So again, all the CRM interaction, the tags you’ve already created, and segmented by data fields, custom fields, any emails, you’ve sent broadcasts you’ve sent, like we mentioned earlier, advanced automation slash campaigns will be saved to that section, order records, again, anything that’s already been purchased and invoices that have been sent all that financial data will still be there. Which raises the question. Okay, well, I’m not sure what isn’t there. So to highlight that, briefly, right, we can all read this in detail from YouTube. But some of the things related to the functionality, so opportunity records aren’t in there, including the sales pipeline stages associated with that. That being said, our newer pipeline, right, in Keap, is all that automation is available in campaign builder, just the opportunity to record based stuff, right? appointments, the old appointments in Keap Classic, that’s more like, auto create or not, but the new appointments set automatically to County are available, right? each campaign goals and sequences, that would be the old internal form, through keap Max Classic, the old landing page that some people may not even have at this point, right? Unknown applied goal, old lead scoring, old opportunity stage move, just the things of that nature, right, that are specifically related to features in classic won’t transfer, but you can usually just edit them to be the new version, in some cases,

Grady 28:38
perfect. And the nice thing is, too, if you have any, like additional questions, and your account manager can like talk you through and say okay, here’s our list of things we got to check off to see if this is a good fit.

Robert 28:48
totally recommend it. If you’re worried at all. That’s what we’re here to make sure make that easiest if it’s valuable.

Grady 28:54
Yeah, and if you’re not quite sure who your account manager is, you can always call our support team. And they can get you connected with your account manager and you guys can get either via email or via voice to voice can have that conversation. Now I know that keep that Max is is new. What are some of the things coming up on the horizon?

Robert 29:14
Yeah, so I know we’ve kind of sprinkled these throughout the conversation a little bit, but SMS broadcast and automation, so not one to one messaging conversations, but hey, instead of an email blast, SMS blast, you know, common use case, I’m a landscaper, my, you know, the zip code, I had employment they build out anything I can do for you today, quick SMS to everyone right? Something like that right. sales pipeline. As of right now in Keap sales pipeline is getting kind of like a good overhaul to like reporting and just sales team management features, including the pipeline associated with that. So in kind of the other aspect of this is like advanced e commerce. Recurring is the first leg of that right recurring is fresh and new to begin. To build subscriptions kind of things and other features, their company records are getting just more b2b functionality. In some cases, you might even see an in Keap Classic, so just kind of different way to manage it, rather than, you know, a different way to look at it. And then a new integration just more facilitated through the app like document signing, Zoom, as we mentioned, through appointments, etc, making it easy to just connect your existing feature set.

Grady 30:25
Nice. Yeah, there’s still going to be times where a third party integration is ideal. And so I like that we’re making it, you know, still possible, and even making some native integrations with those tools as well that are coming out. We’ll also will, Robert, this is super cool. I’m excited for this. And if you guys are to, again, if you’re considering making the switch, again, there’s no extra costs, it’s the same price if whether you’re on Keap Classic or Keap, again, reach out to your account manager, if you’re not sure who that is contact support. And if you just want to try it out, you know, we can put a little toggle on there. And you can turn it on and and try it out for 30 days. And then from there, you can choose, you know what, I love it, let’s move it on over or you know what, it’s not quite what I need, I can stay where I’m at, there’s no risk involved, which I always like I always like risk free. You know, try new things. So hopefully, it’s helped you guys understand what’s coming for our company with Keap and the new product Keap. And hopefully you feel like okay, I either know it’s a good fit, or I know it’s not, or I know I want to give it a chance. And so thank you guys so much for joining us today. Robert, thank you for your help today. I appreciate you helped me get through this and helped me understand it better.

Robert 31:36
Yeah, thanks for your help. Great.

Grady 31:37
All right, guys. Well, thank you guys so much for joining us and we will see you guys again soon. Have a great one.

Bjorn Meisner – Portrait Photography

Julian has been dedicated, efficient, and quite literally saved our business!…

Bjorn Meisner - Bjorn Fine Art Portraits

