Funnel Bots – a must have free tool for Keap / Infusionsoft Users

funnel botsFunnel Bots by Fix Your Funnel is a suite of tools for Keap / Infusionsoft users. It gives you a set of tools to choose from to give your Keap / Infusionsoft added functionality. Check it out at

Here is the current list of bots:-

Slack Bot
The Slack Bot allows you to post updates to channels and users in Slack.

Zoom Register Bot         See my post
Zoom Register Bot allows you to register contacts for Zoom webinars.

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Zoom Check Bot        See my post
Zoom Check Bot will check who attended your Zoom webinar and tag them.

Throttle Bot         See my post
When you want to drip email sends over time, not in a single batch.

Counter Bot
Counter Bot is used to advance a count by one that is stored in a whole number field in a contact record.

Airtable Bot
Transfer data from Keap / Infusionsoft to Airtable Bases.

Dentrix Bot
Helps with Dentrix dental integrations

Check Number Bot           See my post
Check Number Bot will check all a contact’s phone numbers to determine if they are mobile numbers or landlines.

Auto Merge Bot             See my post
Auto Merge Bot will take an email and automatically merge any contacts with the same email address!

Round Robin Bot
Select FixYourFunnel Team Members you want to participate in a round robin and this funnel bot will evenly distribute a corrosponding tag to each lead that you run this bot on.

API Goal Bot
The API Goal Bot allows you to call an API goal of your choice for the FYF Integration type API Goal.

Tag By Field Bot
This bot is designed to tag a contact with the value of a custom field.

Mash Fields Bot
This bot simply takes two custom field values and combines them into one field.

Opt Out Bot        See my post
This bot allows you to opt out an email address in Keap / Infusionsoft or a phone number from Fix Your Funnel text messages.

Proper Bot
The Proper Bot will convert any text field into proper case words. So your prospect thinks they need to SCREAM their name into your webform, but you don’t want to scream it back?

Referral Assignment Bot
This bot allows you to assign a contact to an affiliate.

Add Time Bot
Do you need to add time to an expiration date, or any other date or date/time field in your contact records?

Revenue Report Bot
This bot is designed to harvest data from your Keap / Infusionsoft app and deliver the important summary.

Next Bill Bot
The Next Bill Bot grabs the next bill date for the active subscription on a contact and saves it to a date type field.

Order Notes Bot
This bot allows you to save order notes to a contact field in order to faciliate custom order processing or whatever else you would use order notes for!

E164 Format Bot
Phone numbers work best with Fix Your Funnel when they are in E164 format.

Big Spender Bot
Big Spender Bot will calculate how much a customer has spent in a given period of time and save that to the field you indicate.

Balance Due Bot
Balance Due Bot finds out how much money a contact has outstanding for a give period of time and saves it to a field in the contact record (generally a currency field).

Referral Count Bot
This bot will count how many referrals an affiliate has based off the affiliate’s contact id and return that number to a whole number or text field.

Date Difference Bot
The Date Difference Bot will get the difference in the unit of time indicated between any two date or date/time fields in a contact record.

Tag Difference Bot
The Tag Difference Bot will get the difference in the unit of time indicated between when any two tags in a contact record were added.

Saved Search Count Bot
This bot grabs the total number of contacts that are currently in a saved search and saves it to a contact custom field, preferably in your own contact record.

Delete Failed Invoice Bot
This bot will delete invoices that have not been successfully charged on a contact in over 24 hours.

Tag to Note Bot
Did you get a little tag happy? It’s OK. Happens to the best of us. But that data is really useful, right? What if you could convert tags into notes?

Friendly Date Bot     See my post
Friendly Date Bot takes these ugly hard to read dates that computers love and displays it in a nice friendly format.

Date Tag Bot
The Date Tag Bot takes a date you give it and applies a tag named the day of the week, month and or year.

You Are Number Bot
You Are Number Bot will count how many contacts have a particular tag and return that number to a whole number or text field.

Move It Bot
The Move It Bot will move a field value from one field to another.

Order Item Quantity Bot
Order Item Quantity Bot looks at the last order and returns the quantity of a product based on a product id provided.

Last Invoice Bot
Last Invoice Bot was our first suggested bot. Don’t want to use the default receipts that Keap / Infusionsoft sends out, this gives a way to get the total spent on the last invoice and merge it into an email.

Transaction Average Bot
The Transaction Average Bot will calculate and save the average transaction value of a customer for a give time period.

Transaction Count Bot
The Transaction Count Bot will tell you how many times a customer has purchased from you in a give period of time.

Split Tester Bot           See my post
The Split Tester Bot allows you to randomly split a group of contacts into different groups.

Addition Bot
The Addition Bot adds two numbers and saves the result to the field you indicate. It’s designed to work with numbers of all types.

Subtraction Bot
The Subtraction Bot subtracts value 2 from value 1 and saves the result to the field you indicate. It’s designed to work with numbers of all types.

Multiplication Bot
The Multiplication Bot multiplies two numbers and saves the result to the field you indicate. It’s designed to work with numbers of all types.

Division Bot
The Division Bot divides two values and saves the result to the field you indicate. It’s designed to work with numbers of all types.

Note Pad Bot
The Note Pad Bot will append the data in the field you indicate to the Contact Notes with a nice date time stamp. nt to gather data out of custom fields to recycle them, this is the way to do it!

Average Bot
This bot is meant to be run on a group of contacts. It takes the value of a whole number field and adds the values together for all contacts and then gives you the average.

Duplicate Bot          See my post
The Duplicate Bot enables you to search for duplicates by the phone number. It searches your database and marks duplicate contacts to help you identify and merge together.

Mass Tagging Bot
Using you are number bot, you advance a count based on number of contacts that have a particular tag. When you have a 100 people who took some action, then you want to give all of them some reward. This mass tagging bot allows that to happen.

Addition 2 Bot
The Addition 2 Bot works similar to Addition Bot, but it expects value 1 and 2 to be merged values. This is the bot you want to use if one of the amounts you are adding is a fixed amount.

Subtraction 2 Bot
The Subtraction 2 Bot works similar to Subtraction Bot, but it expects value 1 and 2 to be merged values. This is the bot you want to use if one of the amounts you are subtracting is a fixed amount.

Multiplication 2 Bot
The Multiplication 2 Bot works similar to Multiplication Bot, but it expects value 1 and 2 to be merged values. This is the bot you want to use if one of the amounts you are multiplying is a fixed amount.

Division 2 Bot
The Division 2 Bot works similar to Division Bot, but it expects value 1 and 2 to be merged values. This is the bot you want to use if one of the amounts you are dividing is a fixed amount.

Affiliate Namer Bot
The Affiliate Namer Bot is a simple bot that takes the name of the affiliate that is associated with a contact and places that in a contact field for practical use throughout Keap / Infusionsoft.

Opportunity Advance Bot         See my post
This bot allows a contact to be moved from one opportunity stage to the next through action that is taken outside of the opportunity record.

Name Splitter Bot
This bot simply takes a contact that has the full name in the First Name field in the contact record and it separates it out into the First and Last name fields.

Field Is Empty Bot
Checks a field to see if it is empty. If it is, then the tag id supplied is applied to the contact.


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