If you are following the They Ask, You Answer methodology and creating content on your website then inevitably you will be including links to other pages and external websites.
When these links become broken then apart from giving your website visitors a negative and frustrating experience it is also noticed by the Google spiders when they index your site. And so can adversely affect your SEO rankings.
How do links become broken? The main reasons. When you added the link you made a typo mistake. But more commonly the external website you linked to may have been deleted or the URL changed or the website has simply been taken down.
This tip I got from Nick Fenmore Collins at Website Success. To fix broken links use a free tool like Broken Link Check to search out all those hard to find broken links, and then you can fix them.
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As an example, my website/blog now has over 750 pages and I have never before checked for broken links and found 60 broken links!! So this will keep my busy updating pages and fixing broken links.
404 broken link Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

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