Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching – USA & South America

Are you based in the USA or South America and interested to learn more about Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching?

Over the past 11 years I have helped hundreds of business owners with systemizing and automating their marketing with Keap / Infusionsoft. I am also an Entrepreneurs Circle Certified Coach.

I have over 25 years of real-life, “in the trenches” marketing experience with small business owners and my marketing campaigns have generated in excess of £50M in sales. I am based in the UK and work with many London-based clients and internationally I work with clients in the USA – New York, Chicago, Los Angeles. Australia – Perth. Singapore and Ireland.

What I was finding with my Keap / Infusionsoft clients was that they were asking me for marketing advice, but it was frustrating as clients rarely followed up and actioned the advice I was giving. Entrepreneurs CIrcle USA South america

When Nigel Botterill explained to me the “Entrepreneurs Marketing & Sales System” this was a lightbulb moment for me – this was how I could really help my clients to achieve even greater success by coaching them – the marketing I knew, what I had lacked was a system with which to work with clients. Nigel has perfected the “Entrepreneurs Marketing & Sales System” over the last 10 years. It was a “no-brainer” for me to sign up, do the training and qualify to become an Entrepreneurs Certified Coach.

Read my post here.

So what is an Entrepreneurs Circle Certified Coach?

Entrepreneurs Circle Certified Coach coachingEntrepreneurs Circle Certified Coaching is like having a ‘personal trainer’ for your business. I’ll get to know you, prescribe the right ‘exercises’ and keep you accountable, hold your feet to the fire and make sure you achieve success.

Once you set out to build your business, you’re no longer an accountant, an electrician, dentist or a consultant (or whatever it is you do). Now for at least for a big chunk of time each week, you have to become the marketer for your business.

You have no choice, you have to become a marketer because the success of your business – and you, your families and your employees’ lifestyles all depend on how well you market what you do.

But how do you market your business effectively?

What should you do?

What marketing’s best for your business right now?

This is when we encounter the ‘perfect storm’ that afflicts so many businesses because a number of elements all come together:

  • Effective marketing in 2020’s is more complex than ever;
  • Effective marketing in 2020’s requires specialist knowledge and understanding (that most business owners don’t have because they’re practitioners of their craft, not marketers);
  • Effective marketing in 2020’s requires a high proficiency of execution to work well;
  • Effective marketing in 2020’s is harder to achieve than ever before;

The outcome of this ‘perfect storm’ is devastating for many business owners. Some are paralysed by indecision, unsure what to do and so do nothing. Others latch on to the latest bright shiny object but their results are compromised because there’s no overall system or strategy.

And even when they do achieve some success, momentum stalls and the marketing soon stops because the business owner is now too busy servicing the work to keep the marketing going.

So ‘famine-to-feast’ becomes the norm. And in all cases, that’s because there’s NO SYSTEM, no framework, precious few re-usable marketing ‘assets’, and an activity plan that is, at best, ad hoc.

When you have a marketing and sales system working in your business that predictably and consistently brings in the right flow of new customers every week, like clockwork, then owning a business is phenomenal. But when you don’t have that, then owning a business is unpredictable, unreliable, and incredibly stressful. It’s no fun when the destiny of your company, your family’s lifestyle and the income and security of all your employees, rest on whatever customers that ‘fate’ drops in your lap this week.

In short, I will implement The Entrepreneurs Marketing & Sales System in your business, with you.

Jeff Rau – Physical Therapist

Julian was a great help in organising my Sales Pipeline and getting our sales team trained to use Opportunities in Keap / Infusionsoft. I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients.

Before I hired him, I read lots of glowing reviews... and i hoped they were not just being nice... well what I found out is .....the good reviews were actually TRUE. Prior to working with Julian I have worked with several other "experts" who may have known basic strategies to use... but they always seemed to leave me with more questions and then helpless frustration. I nearly had lost hope that I could utilize the great features in IS without paying thousands of dollars for a plug and play system.

Julian has a very natural way to explain complex digital marketing strategies in understandable English... even for me... a Texan 🙂 He visually mapped out a plan, after listening to me. He then made suggestions where he saw flaws in my system. After each session, I know what I need to do and where we are headed. Thank you, Julian, for helping breath sanity into my business marketing world.

Jeff Rau - Jeff Rau Physical Therapy

Next step

So I guess, if you read this far then you are interested in Entrepreneurs Circle coaching. The next step would be for us to get on a Discovery call where I can learn more about your business and where you are at presently. We can then work out how best I could assist you to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers for your business.



Charles Gregory – Photography

If you need someone to help you sort Keap out good and proper get in touch…

Charles Gregory - Arts Photography


Get a free copy of my book - The Entrepreneurs Marketing System 

The Entrepreneurs Marketing System has been written by myself and Nigel Botterill and has taken the best part of 10 years to hone, refine and test and is the foundation of the Entrepreneurs Circle coaching system.

It gives SME business owners a proven step-by-step system to get and retain all the customers they'll ever need.... Rhythmically & consistently -  just like clockwork.

You'll need a deep understanding of the Entrepreneurs Marketing System if you are going to use it in your business and this is exactly what our new book provides. If you would like a copy you just pay the postage and packing.


What is Entrepreneurs Circle Coaching and how can it help you?

As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

Interested? Request a full information pack to mull over with a brew.



