DotComSecrets by Russell Brunson – a definite read for Keap / Infusionsoft marketers

dotcom secrets russell brunsonDotComSecrets by Russell Brunson is a definite read for all serious Keap / Infusionsoft marketers.

What Keap / Infusionsoft marketers will find really powerful is the strategic focus and insight that Russell provides in his book. In my work with Keap / Infusionsoft clients we tend to get drawn in at a very tactical, campaign level. But this book highlights the power of taking a strategic 10,000 foot view and see how all the products and campaigns fit into the bigger picture.

See for yourself – check our Russell’s TV channel


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And to get his book for free visit (and watch how he markets to you!!). A note of caution – I gave this link to one client, who then complained to me, as in addition to the free book (just pay the P&P (which is a tripwire offer))  he ended up being upsold a heap of other products. So watch and learn from a master of the upsell   😉





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