Credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft for those just starting out

If you are just starting out with on-line marketing and have decided to use Keap / Infusionsoft then you are well on your way to creating your automated marketing system. If you have e-commerce in mind then may well be interested in credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft in combination.

There are 2 ways to set up to take credit card payments.

  1. You can get a Merchant Account with your bank. But be warned. If you are setting up a new business then getting a merchant account can be incredibly frustrating and time-consuming. The banks certainly do not make it easy if you are just starting out! The upside however is that you are in a position to negotiation fees and commission rates, especially id you are taking high volumes of payments.
  2. You can use Stripe and the Keap / Infusionsoft integration. This is quick and easy to set up, but you are not in a best position to negotiate on fees and commissions. But it is a good solution for those starting out. Check out my blog post on the Stripe Keap / Infusionsoft integration.

But there is an alternative to using credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft.  Keap / Infusionsoft does enable you to take Paypal payments and many new Keap / Infusionsoft users decide to go down this route. But there are a few, of points to consider.

1 It is not wise to rely just on Paypal. They have a reputation for deciding they do not like your business model for some reason and will not only shut down your account but also keep hold of any funds for 6 months. (I have seen this happen myself). So it is always wise to have a backup mechanism to enable you to take payments – plus you will probably get better commission rates than Paypal.

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2 With a merchant account, you can do some more advanced marketing – eg one-click upsells. That is where after the initial order is completed you offer another product and the customer simply has to click a button and the payment is taken. I have achieved a 20% increase in order value by using this simple technique –  Paypal does not enable you to do this.

Setting up to take credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft used to be a challenge for a new business mainly because the banks make it so difficult to get a merchant account. The Stripe integration overcomes this.

I have been through the experience with a number of clients of setting up payment collection options and if you have any further questions about integrating credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft please feel free to get in touch.

You can schedule a Discovery call here.

credit card payments and Keap / Infusionsoft

Morgan Muhwati – Charity Funding

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Morgan Muhwati - DreamBlazers

