Julians Hints, Tips and Hacks

Hints, Tips and Hacks that Julian finds helpful in life, marketing and business.

ChatGPT – Your Secret Travel Companion

chatgpt travel holiday local guide
I was in Rome recently and normally I would have relied on Google Maps for the usual essentials—directions, train times, and navigating the city. But this time I thought to give ChatGPT a try. And I was impressed - it was like having a "local" in my pocket, offering insider knowledge that Google simply doesn’t provide. Beyond the Basics Google Maps is great for getting from A to B, but what if y...
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DotCom Secrets (2020 Edition Review) by Russell Brunson – A Must-Read for All HighLevel Users

dotcom secrets highlevel russell brunson
If you’ve never read DotCom Secrets, get the 2020 edition— and even if you read the 2015 edition years ago, get the new version. It’s the blueprint for building a high-converting business, whether you’re online or offline. If you’re a HighLevel user, this book should be at the top of your reading list. It’s a brilliant set of marketing blueprints that will help you make the most of HighLevel’s ...
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Have you read “The Ultimate Sales Machine” by Chet Holmes ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I read "The Ultimate Sales Machine" by Chet Holmes after a client recommended it. Have you read it? For instance, I learnt that only 10% of people will proactively learn and enjoy doing so? 90% will only do so when they have to as part of their job. That is what sorts the best from the rest. A main theme throughout the book is the need for "Pig headed determination" to bring about change. An...
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Free Google Review Card with NFC and QR code – ReviewBoost-Pro

Do you want to capture more Google Reviews from your customers? Do you interact with your customers face to face? Say in a restaurant, shop, dental practice etc etc?  If yes, then a Google Review card makes it super easy to ask for and capture Google reviews from your happy customers. It all starts with a ReviewBoost-Pro NFC / QR code enabled card. Simply tap the card on the customers phone - o...
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Julian launches a new tool to get Google Reviews – ReviewBoost-Pro

Julian has just launched a new tool to make it easy for businesses to ask for and capture Google reviews. It is called ReviewBoost-Pro. It all starts with a NFC / QR code enabled card. Simply tap the card on the customers phone - or scan the QR code and your Google My Business review page pops up immediately. So making it really easy to ask happy customers there and then for a Google Review. ...
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Top Tips On How To Send Cold Emails With HighLevel

keap Infusionsoft to highlevel
Cold emailing can be an effective tool for generating leads and boosting revenue. However, many Email Service Providers (ESPs) make this very difficult. But features within HighLevel enable us to upload cold email lists and email them. But even so this has to be done carefully. Guide to Sending Cold Emails With HighLevel Understanding Cold Email Cold emailing involves reaching out to potential ...
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How to create a smart ChatGPT chatbot for your website using Zapier in 15 minutes

If you want to create a smart chatbot for your website and you have a Zapier account then this is easy to do and takes 10-15 minutes. Here is a quick video I created to show you how to do this Here is a link if you want to check my chatbot out  https://new-interface-bedd43.zapier.app/julians-chatbot So that will give you an entry-level smart chatbot. But what about something more adv...
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Email Subject line optimisation – try www.SubjectLine.com

In email marketing your subject line is key. Get it wrong and your carefully crafted email copy and compelling offer never get a look in - because the email failed to get opened. All because the subject line did not convert the reader to open the email. Subjectline.com is a nifty, free tool to check your subject line and even offers alternatives that may be better than your original idea...
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How to use ChatGPT AI to automatically reply to Google My Business reviews

If you are generating Google reviews on Google My Business then it can be a smart move to reply to Google My Business reviews. But it is a manual chore. So this is an ideal use case for ChatGPT. In the video below these are the stages we go through. Someone leaves a review on Google My Business. If they leave a 4 or 5-star review then we filter them with Zapier. Zapier then pushe...
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