
Free Marketing Critique worth £197

Claim a free Marketing Critique by Julian Mills of your marketing piece worth £197. To submit your marketing piece please complete the form below. This form entitles you to one full marketing critique for a single marketing piece (advert, sales letter, web page etc). Critiques will normally be completed and returned within 5 days from receipt. It isn’t possible to ‘fast-track’ that time -...
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Welcome to Andy McPhilbin a new EC Coaching client

I would like to welcome Andy 'The Water Boy' McPhilbin, as a new coaching client to The Entrepreneurs Circle. I am just starting to coach Andy in the ways of the EMS system. Andy runs Aqua Concepts, based in Grantham and he specialises in water softener installation and servicing. Andy and I were first in touch back in 2015 when I was assisting him with his Infusionsoft (now called Keap) mar...
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What is an Indoctrination marketing campaign?

An Indoctrination marketing campaign could also be called a Welcome campaign, however, I think that calling it an Indoctrination campaign forces you to think about this campaign much more strategically. If you think of a Welcome email the typical gist of your copy will be something along the lines of "Thanks for subscribing to our list we look forward to keeping in touch with news and offers" - yo...
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The Alligator Email – a crafty email that re-engages prospects who have “gone dark”

alligator email entrepreneurs circle
Use The Alligator email to re-engage with prospects who have "gone dark" and fail to respond to your emails and phone calls. Every time I deploy this crafty email from The Entrepreneurs Circle it makes me smile - because it works. Each time I send it to a prospect who is failing to respond to my emails or phone calls it works  - because it stands out in the inbox, it's engaging and makes the...
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80 Hour Cash Machine email campaign from the Entrepreneurs Circle

Turn your older prospects into paying customers in 3 and a half days. This is a tried and tested 3 step email campaign designed to turn non-buyers into customers. If you have lists of old enquirers and prospects then this campaign is the ideal way too to extract the gold from your older lists. As an Entrepreneurs Circle member, you can access all the copy and instructions on how to set up t...
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How to make sure your proposals and quotes increase your conversion rate and not detract from it…

“Sounds good, send me a proposal.” How many times have you heard that? Too many? So you run back to your office, put together a proposal, send it to the prospect, and start the follow-up process (and the prayer vigil)… Or do you? I mean the sale should be solidified BEFORE the proposal is written. Your proposal, or quote, should be the essence of what has been decided by you and your pro...
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Know when your website goes offline – free service

There is one thing more annoying than when your website goes offline. And that is when you do not realise for days (or even longer) that there is a problem and you have had visitors and prospects trying to find you that have been lost forever. It costs you in lost opportunities and gives a really bad first impression. Common causes are unreliable hosting or a pesky hacker that needs sorting out. ...
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How to visually map out your sales & marketing automation before buying Keap or ActiveCampaign

Most people buy into marketing automation systems like Keap and ActiveCampaign before they have even considered what they actually want to automate in their marketing. When you visually map out what you require then it becomes much easier to select the right marketing automation platform and to build an organised and integrated system from the start. Check out my 12 minute video below which ...
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SHOUT EXPO Exhibitor free offer

Are you looking to get the best return from exhibiting at the Shout Expo's? The way to ensure you get the best return from exhibiting is to have a system to capture the contact details of all those that express an interest in your business. And once you have the contact details to then ensure that the leads get followed up. The traditional way to do this is to collect business cards and then...
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