What is the alternative to Keap / Infusionsoft for marketing automation

Keap / Infusionsoft as you are probably aware is the leading CRM / Automation application for small and medium size business. But is there an alternative?

It gives a business the marketing power that used to only be available to big business with deep pockets.

However, it does come at a price and if your business has yet to reach a point in its growth where Keap / Infusionsoft can be fully utilised then it is the same as having a Ferrari parked on the drive and never used!

I have come into contact with potential clients who have seen what huge potential Keap / Infusionsoft could bring to their business, yet they are disappointed in the results they achieve with Keap / Infusionsoft and this is most often caused by their business not being at the right stage in its growth to take full advantage of Keap / Infusionsoft.

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So before buying Keap / Infusionsoft you need to really consider if you are ready for Keap / Infusionsoft – or is there an alternative to Keap / Infusionsoft for your business? If you would like my viewpoint based on over 4 year’s hands on marketing experience with Keap / Infusionsoft as to whether Keap / Infusionsoft is right for your business then get in touch. ( No cost, No sales pitch, No obligation –  just advice as to whether I feel Keap / Infusionsoft would be worth your investment at the current moment in time) Just drop me a line julian@julianmills.co.uk or call 0161 487 1506  (outside the UK? call 0044 161 487 1506).

So, is there an alternative to Keap / Infusionsoft? If you cannot yet justify the cost of Keap / Infusionsoft, then check out this possible solution by Chris Lema http://chrislema.com/infusionsoft-wordpress-integration/

OK, it is still not free but could be a solution for some businesses. What Chris does not factor into his alternative to Keap / Infusionsoft cost calculation is not only the time and effort that will be required to get separate systems ‘talking’ to each other but also to keep them working together. From my experience it is one challenge to get separate systems working together, quite another to keep them working together. For example if one application is updated by a supplier this can impact on other applications that are linked to it. And I can assure you there is nothing more costly (and frustrating!!) than systems ‘breaking’ right in the middle of a large sales campaign. So when you factor this in – is Keap / Infusionsoft so expensive?




Tel 0161 487 1506

Is there an alternative to Keap / Infusionsoft


In case you do not already know. Keap / Infusionsoft is the leading marketing automation software for small/ medium size businesses that are growing fast using automated and personalised online marketing. Designed for a new breed of entrepreneurial businesses that have outgrown basic email auto-responder or contact management systems, Keap / Infusionsoft is powerful web-based software that combines marketing automation with CRM, email marketing, affiliate marketing and ecommerce into one integrated system so that small businesses don’t have to struggle with separate systems. More than 12,000 small businesses have discovered how Keap / Infusionsoft enables them to compete online by converting more leads, growing sales and saving time without adding staff.


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Julian has been dedicated, efficient, and quite literally saved our business!…

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