The Alligator Email – a crafty email that re-engages prospects who have “gone dark”

alligator email

Use The Alligator email to re-engage with prospects who have “gone dark” and fail to respond to your emails and phone calls.

Every time I deploy this crafty email from The Entrepreneurs Circle it makes me smile – because it works.

Each time I send it to a prospect who is failing to respond to my emails or phone calls it works  – because it stands out in the inbox, it’s engaging and makes the prospect smile, so they cannot fail to respond one way or the other.



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Hi FirstName,

I’ve been trying to get in touch for a while now about [insert what ever service/ product you sell] but can’t seem to get through to you…

I figured either you’ve been eaten by alligators or you’re just plain swamped.

If you have been eaten by alligators, my deepest sympathy goes out to your family members.

If you’re still alive however, one of the following is more likely to have happened.
I hate to keep pestering you, so please pick one response and let me know what our next step should be.

A – Yes, I’ve been eaten by alligators. Please send flowers.

B – No, I haven’t been eaten by alligators, but you may wish I had been, because I have decided I have no interest in [insert what ever service/ product you sell]. Sorry, you’re sunk (thanks for your frank honesty. I can handle it.)

C – Yes, I’m still interested I’ve just been busy – get in touch and let’s talk.

I’d really appreciate it if you could just ping me a quick reply with either A, B, C to let me know where you stand!

Thanks in advance,


As an Entrepreneurs Circle member, you can access all the copy and instructions on how to use this powerful email from the Entrepreneurs Circle Vault. If you are not a member, then do not worry, take up the free 1-month trial membership and you can access the documentation to enable you to set up this winning campaign.


entrepreneurs circle free membership



If you use Keap / Infusionsoft (and are an EC member) then I have created a campaign template to enable this email to be easily imported into your app. To get this campaign installed for free please schedule a Discovery Call with me and have your EC membership details handy.

alligator email ec

Ray Thomas – Specialist Printer

I would fully recommend Julian to anyone looking for advice and assistance with Keap / Infusionsoft.…

Ray Thomas - RM Labels Ltd


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As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

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