A great hack – How to leave a voicemail that get’s a call back

When you have been communicating with a prospective client and then they fail to respond to our voicemail messages isn’t that annoying?

How could we leave a voicemail message where the recipient is compelled to call us back?

Answer the phone

The trick is to create so much intrigue and fear of missing out that they are compelled to call you back.

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So when you leave a voicemail then start it with your name and phone number and then pretend to get cut off mid-sentence – just as your getting to the important part. Isn’t that a nifty idea?

Obviously, the message has to be relevant to the prospect. But here are a few examples to get you thinking about how you could deploy this tactic.

  • I have a deal for you that could deliver you a hundred thou…
  • I’m interested in your…
  • I have information about your…
  • Are you [prospects name] who…
  • Hello, I’m calling for [prospects nam….

Just one word of caution – if you are making a number of calls then be sure to note down your messages so that when the callbacks come in you know what you’re talking about.

And this idea sits nicely alongside our Alligator Email tactic  -which we can deploy when a prospect fails to respond to our emails. Learn about the Alligator email here.


Give it a try for yourself next time you have a prospect who is hard to reach on the phone.

steve chandler

Steve Chandler – Property Development Guru & Trainer

Thanks Julian. You are an absolute champion at this stuff.…

Steve Chandler - Property Development Institute


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