Great Exit Pop Up – PopupAlly for WordPress and Keap / Infusionsoft

popupally for wordpress and infusionsoftI just found and installed this great Exit Pop Up plugin that works great with WordPress and Keap / Infusionsoft. It’s called PopupAlly.

I did not want to stick a boring ‘Sign up to my newsletter’ form on the widget area of my website. So I took a fresh look for a WordPress plug in that would enable me to install exit pop ups. (Last time I did this I did not find anything suitable).

As a result I found the the plugin PopupAlly that works brilliantly with WordPress and Keap / Infusionsoft. And that is just the free version!

It claims to increase sign ups by 300% and the free version works great, right out of the box. It took me 5 minutes to configure on my blog and integrate with my Keap / Infusionsoft.

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In the past exit pop ups have consisted of those annoying grey boxes that the operating system throws up and so they looked awful and you could not really customise the text. But with PopupAlly this works differently, when you utilise the exit pop up functionality it tracks your mouse and as you move to exit the page it then pops the pop up up and it looks very cool.

This is a really useful tool and I would say it is a no brainer if you are using WordPress and Keap / Infusionsoft and you want to capture the details of more of your site visitors and automate the follow up.

Check out this video for more information (it is promoting the pro version, but the free lite version works great for me)


More information here at the WordPress page where you can download the free version

Even more information at the official plug in page







steve chandler

Steve Chandler – Property Development Guru & Trainer

Thanks Julian. You are an absolute champion at this stuff.…

Steve Chandler - Property Development Institute


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