Julian launches a new tool to get Google Reviews – ReviewBoost-Pro

google reviews nfc qr cardJulian has just launched a new tool to make it easy for businesses to ask for and capture Google reviews. It is called ReviewBoost-Pro.

google review nfc qr card reviewboost-proIt all starts with a NFC / QR code enabled card. Simply tap the card on the customers phone – or scan the QR code and your Google My Business review page pops up immediately. So making it really easy to ask happy customers there and then for a Google Review.

For more information please visit ReviewBoost-Pro.com


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The Entrepreneurs Marketing System has been written by myself and Nigel Botterill and has taken the best part of 10 years to hone, refine and test and is the foundation of the Entrepreneurs Circle coaching system.

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As an Entrepreneurs Circle coach, I work with small business owners to crack the rhythmic acquisition of customers, so that the business delivers the profits and drawings that you require. The Entrepreneurs Marketing System is fundamental to coaching and has been developed by the Entrepreneurs Circle over the past 10 years while successfully working with thousands of small business owners.

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