Turbo charge “Copy & Paste”

text blazeDo you ever find yourself repeatedly “copying & pasting” as you work on your PC?

By default your can just copy and paste the last thing you copied. But here are a couple of tools that can enable you to increase your productivity.

1/ Clipboard History Pro. This is a Chrome browser extension and I am happily using the free version. It enables me to select from previous “copies”. It lets me easily select one on the last 7 copies I have made. And then from the menu I can select earlier “copies” – currently I have over 5800 previous copies I could go back to if needed.

2/ Text Blaze. Speed up typing with snippets and templates. One that you can use for free is called Text Blaze. If you are repeatedly using the same text then rather than “copying & pasting” you can set up a snippet and template. So for instance, if you find yourself repeatedly sending the same email you could set up a template and then just type in a short snippet of text eg /email1 into the subject line of a blank email. This will then – add the subject line and the main body copy of the email. And not just that, it will even give you the option to insert merge fields into the email – so the email can easily be fully customised for the individual you are sending the email to. This is only one use case, there will be many ways this tool could save you time when writing on your PC.

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Carie Lyndene – The Sales Sage

I’m seeing a big shift in my results. Thank you Julian!…

Carie Lyndene - Exceptional Sales Results Ltd


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