The 4 Natural Laws of Sales & Marketing

There are 4 fundamental natural laws of sales and marketing. When you are aware of these laws then it enables you to construct your marketing activity to address these laws and so increase you sales and marketing success.

Law 1

As you attract people to your offering only about 1 to 2% (1 or 2 out of a 100!) are ready to buy today.

These 1 – 2% are the low hanging fruit. These are the ones all salespeople love. (My record is 17 minutes on the phone to get the sale selling Keap / Infusionsoft to a hot prospect who was ready to start).

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To many companies this is all they know. So they spend money advertising and generate sales – and are happy with that. But they never realise that they are leaving most of the money on the table by not tapping into the 98% of enquirers who may be a buyer in the future.

Law 2

50% of business is won by the company that makes contact first. If you receive an enquiry via your website how soon do you follow up? It should be immediately. Not tomorrow or next week, but immediately. Any later and the chances are you will have already lost out to your keener competitor.

Law 3

80% of sales occur between the 5th to 12th contact. How many times do you reach out to follow up with prospects? Are you letting sales slip through your fingers by not following up?

(My record is 3 years from enquiry to sale. Because I am set up to make the follow ups consistently over time.)

Law 4

48% of sales people never follow up with the prospect. And only 10% of sales people contact prospects 3 or more times.


When you understand the above laws then you will see in your own business how sales are being lost –  and costing you money. Every time you are spending money on Google Adwords or Facebook ads you will appreciate how much of that spend is being wasted.

So what can you do to address these natural laws?

Well you can beat yourself or your salespeople over the head (metaphorically of course!) and tell them to do a better job and hope things change. But you will find this “hope” sales and marketing soon fails as you and staff fall back into bad habits. And I understand why – we are all busy and stuff happens and that hot lead eagerly written on a Post-It and stuck to the side of the computer gets forgotten and quickly goes cold.

The key to success is to systemise and automate your sales process so that there is a planned route that all enquirers and prospects will go through and they will not “drop between the cracks”. In this technological age of course there are software and apps to help us achieve this and enables us to tackle the 4 Natural Laws of Sales and Marketing.

So if you are a large, corporate-type enterprise you have probably heard of SalesForce which is an ideal solution for larger companies with sales teams and a healthy marketing budget. Then for smaller, more entrepreneurial businesses where costs are a factor then the leading software is Keap / Infusionsoft (of course I would say this!).

I am a Keap / Infusionsoft Certified Partner because I believe it is the best solution for small businesses and it delivers results for my clients. It gives me the functionality I need and for the sales and marketing automation clout it provides I see it as exceptional value for money. But, it is not the right fit for every business. And that is the trick – how do you know which sales and automation system is the right fit for your business? If you are interested to learn more about Keap / Infusionsoft and see if it would suit your business to overcome the 4 natural laws then feel free to schedule a free Discovery Call.

Michael Skirving – Catering

We met Julian at an EC Conference and were impressed…

Michael Skirving - EaT Cuisine Group

