Design Upgrade for HighLevel’s Custom Reports
HighLevel is delighted to announce a design upgrade for Custom Reports! Now, there’s the capability to personalize and customize reports with alluring themes and colors.
Improvements At-A-Glance:
- Themes have been added to custom reports, resulting in a more coherent and refined appearance.
- There’s an option to choose from predefined themes or the chance to create a unique custom theme for both reports and individual widgets.
- Themes have been integrated to apply smoothly across the full report and at individual widget levels.
Implementing These Advancements:
- Access the Report Builder and click the “+” icon.
- In the left menu, transition to the Theme tab.
- Select a predefined theme or exercise creativity by developing a tailor-made theme.
- After saving these modifications, the chosen theme becomes active!
The Significance of These Enhancements:
The infusion of themes, not only improves the visual clarity of reports, but it also fortifies brand consistency, ultimately resulting in a more captivating user experience.
More detailed information about the all-new Custom Reports and its useful features can be found at HighLevel’s support page.
Click here for the full HighLevel update article
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