10 ways (as of July ’24) that HighLevel AI can elevate your marketing creativity and effectiveness

HighLevel AI 10 ways to use Highlevel AI marketingThe integration of AI in CRM and marketing automation platforms has revolutionised how businesses operate, making tasks more efficient and creative. HighLevel, with its built-in AI features, is a prime example of how artificial intelligence can enhance marketing efforts. Here are ten ways HighLevel’s AI can help you become a better marketer:

1. Crafting Email Copy

HighLevel’s “Content AI” feature streamlines the process of writing email copy. You can draft compelling and engaging emails directly within the platform, eliminating the need to switch between different tools or copy and paste text from outside sources. This seamless integration saves time and ensures consistency in your messaging.

2. Writing for Websites, Landing Pages, and Sales Funnels

Creating persuasive copy for websites, landing pages, and sales funnels is crucial for conversions. With HighLevel, you can write and edit your copy directly on the page, using AI to suggest improvements and optimize your content for better engagement.

3. Social Media Content Creation

The social media scheduler in HighLevel is equipped with AI to help you craft effective social media posts. Whether you’re promoting a new product or sharing industry insights, the AI can generate relevant and engaging content that resonates with your audience.

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4. Image Creation

Visual content is key to capturing attention. HighLevel’s AI can assist in creating images for your emails, web pages, and beyond. This feature allows you to produce professional-looking visuals without needing advanced design skills, making it easier to maintain a cohesive brand image.

5. Responding to Reviews

Managing customer feedback is essential for maintaining a positive reputation. HighLevel’s AI can draft responses to reviews on platforms like Google and Facebook, or even automate the response process. This not only saves time but ensures that responses are consistent and on-brand.

6. Handling Social Media Comments

Engagement on social media is crucial for building relationships with your audience. HighLevel’s Workflow automation triggers enable you to respond to comments on social media posts efficiently. The AI can suggest responses or handle them automatically, ensuring timely and appropriate interactions.

7. AI-Assisted Live Chat

Offering live chat support on your website is an excellent way to engage visitors and answer their questions in real-time. HighLevel’s AI can assist with live chat, providing answers to common queries and helping guide visitors towards making a purchase or booking a service.

8. Automated Appointment Booking

HighLevel’s appointment booking bot can schedule calls and meetings directly into your calendar via text, Facebook Messenger, and live chat, without the need for a traditional booking form. This streamlined process reduces friction and improves the user experience.

9. AI-Assisted Customer Service

Providing consistent and accurate customer service is crucial for customer satisfaction. HighLevel’s AI can assist the customer service team in formulating responses, ensuring that all customer interactions are handled professionally and consistently. This makes the job of your customer service team quicker, easier and more standardised.

10. Researching B2B Prospects

For B2B sales, having detailed information about potential clients is vital. Using a HighLevel Workflow and AI we can research prospects using their web addresses, providing your sales team with a comprehensive summary of each lead and their business before reaching out. This preparation can save the sales team time by cutting out the need for manual research and so significantly improve the effectiveness of your sales efforts.


HighLevel’s AI capabilities offer a wide range of tools that can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. By automating routine tasks and providing intelligent insights, you can focus more on strategy and creativity, leading to better outcomes for your business. Whether you’re crafting copy, engaging with customers, or scheduling appointments, HighLevel’s AI is a powerful ally in your marketing toolkit.

MarketerM8 is powered by HighLevel. If you are interested you can book a live MarketerM8 demo here.

Morgan Muhwati – Charity Funding

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Morgan Muhwati - DreamBlazers

