04/11/24 – Discover the Exciting New Features and Enhancements in HighLevel: A Comprehensive Guide

HighLevel proudly presents the following brand new features:

Workflow Triggers and Actions for Gamification Points: HighLevel has developed an innovative functionality designed to automate the allocation of gamification points via workflows and automation.

Triggers: The feature entitled “Community Group Member Leaderboard Level Changed” becomes active whenever a leaderboard level of a user changes. Upon defining a specific group level, this trigger executes.

Actions: The function titled “Grant Community Group Leaderboard Points” autonomously assigns the selected points to a user within a designated group, given that the user is a pre-existing member of this group. The leaderboard level of the member will change in correspondence with the adjustment in points.

Important Considerations:

Regarding the leaderboard action feature, it is important to note that points will not be awarded if the user has not joined the chosen group, ultimately resulting in a failing workflow execution.


HighLevel has made the following improvements:

Location details are now inaccessible to non-registered users until registration completion. Upcoming/live event highlight notification has seen an enhancement in the discussion tab. Activation of GoKollab Marketplace for existing locations is now exclusively available to agency users. A footer has now also been added on the GoKollab iframe. Improvements have been made in the events banner located in the discussion tab.

Bug Corrections

HighLevel have rectified some defects:

The keyboard will now remain open after sending a message in a chat, resolving a previous issue where it would close. The timezone problem which affected the weekly recurring event has been fixed. HighLevel has also implemented general bug fixes to increase stability.

Click here for the full HighLevel update article

What to learn more or need help with HighLevel for your marketing? Book a Discovery Call with Julian.

Maria Ward – Property Surveying

Julian has worked with us for over 4 years now. I can not recommend him highly enough.…

Maria Ward - Property Health Check

