Evergreen Customer Campaign for Keap / Infusionsoft Users

Keap / Infusionsoft Evergreen Customer CampaignHow to tell if you need the Evergreen Customer Campaign.

When you win a new customer, what happens next? Do they get ignored on your database as you chase the glory of winning new customers at time and cost? As they say “the gold is in the list”. If you fail to follow up consistently you are leaving money on the table just waiting for competitors to swoop. This campaign enables you to plan an evergreen, customisable customer follow up to build customer loyalty and retention.

This campaign and its sister campaign “Evergreen Prospect Campaign” are two of the most advanced and powerful campaigns that I offer clients. When I show these campaigns to my clients they all want them, they are that powerful.

Do any of these scenarios trouble you? New customers only buy once before being forgotten about. Customers repurchase when they are ready, are you following up consistently? You never have time to create new upsell campaigns, so you leave sales on the table. You never get time to send out the regular newsletter to keep in touch with customers that you know you should do. You would love to be able to send seasonal emails to the list easily and with no work. You would love to be able to co-ordinate mini sales campaigns to your list with minimum effort on your part. Are you keeping in touch consistently for the lifetime of the customer in a non spammy way?

I charge $750 to install and customise this campaign with 2 hours consultancy. However, if you either purchase Keap / Infusionsoft from me or become a consulting client then I will provide this free of charge and include the sister campaign – Evergreen prospect Campaign too.

To learn more please book a consultation call.

Keap / Infusionsoft Evergreen Customer Campaign



Morgan Muhwati – Charity Funding

I would definitely recommend Julian to other Keap / Infusionsoft clients…

Morgan Muhwati - DreamBlazers

